Country: China

Number of People Groups


People Groups Unreached

441 (80.9%)

Progress Level

Progress Gauge



Population in Unreached

140,505,000 (10.0%)

Largest Religion

% Christian Adherent


% Evangelical


Evangelical Annual Growth Rate

Map Notes

Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Population
this Country
Indigenous Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
% Evangelical Est. Workers
 Riang Lang 2,000 17,000 Riang Lang Ethnic Religions ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Russian 23,000 136,151,000 Russian Christianity 55.00 % 0.50 % -
 Salar 149,000 149,000 Salar Islam ☀︎ 0.01 % 0.01 % 3
 Samadu, Eastern 800 800 Chinese, Mandarin Ethnic Religions 2.00 % 1.63 % 1
 Samadu, Western 10,000 10,000 Chinese, Mandarin Ethnic Religions ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Saman 3,300 3,300 Chinese, Mandarin Ethnic Religions 2.00 % 1.00 % 1
Samatao 3,000 3,000 Samatao Ethnic Religions ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Samei 22,000 22,000 Samei Ethnic Religions 1.20 % 1.10 % 1
 Samtao 200 15,000 Samtao Buddhism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 San Chay 51,000 257,000 Cao Lan Ethnic Religions ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Sanda 1,500 1,500 Language unknown Ethnic Religions 2.10 % 2.01 % -
Sangkong 2,100 2,100 Sangkong Ethnic Religions 5.00 % 2.00 % 1
 Sani 138,000 138,000 Sani Ethnic Religions 3.00 % 0.15 % 3
 Sanie 8,800 8,800 Sanie Ethnic Religions 0.50 % 0.39 % 1
 Sanqiao 6,900 6,900 Dong, Southern Ethnic Religions ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Sansu 17,000 17,000 Hani Ethnic Religions 3.00 % 2.24 % -
 She 660,000 660,000 She Ethnic Religions 0.30 % 0.12 % 13
 Shenzhou 4,900 4,900 Chinese, Mandarin Ethnic Religions 4.20 % 3.80 % -
 Sherpa 1,200 193,000 Sherpa Buddhism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Shixing 3,600 3,600 Shuhi Buddhism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Shui 329,000 329,000 Sui Ethnic Religions 0.28 % 0.25 % 7
 Shui, Yunnan 12,000 12,000 Chinese, Mandarin Ethnic Religions 0.30 % 0.20 % 1
 Sogwo Arig 49,000 49,000 Tibetan, Amdo Buddhism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
Sonaga 2,200 2,200 Sonaga Ethnic Religions 2.00 % 1.00 % 1
 Suan 300 300 Lalo, Central Ethnic Religions ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
  Totals:  545 1,407,736,000         441 9.23 % 7.56 % 3,033 
  Unclassified / Other Individuals 17,443,000                
  UN Country Population (2024) 1,425,179,000                

Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Province Estimated
Anhui 62,869,000
Beijing 20,722,000
Chongqing 30,479,000
Fujian 38,983,000
Gansu 27,023,000
Guangdong 110,208,000
Guangxi 48,633,000
Guizhou 36,713,000
Hainan 9,163,000
Hebei 75,922,000
Heilongjiang 40,481,000
Henan 99,347,000
Hubei 60,478,000
Hunan 69,402,000
Jiangsu 83,113,000
Jiangxi 47,090,000
Jilin 29,017,000
Liaoning 46,223,000
Nei Mongol 26,105,000
Ningxia Hui 6,658,000
Qinghai 5,946,000
Shaanxi 39,440,000
Shandong 101,216,000
Shanghai 24,322,000
Shanxi 37,734,000
Sichuan 84,971,000
Tianjin 13,670,000
Xinjiang Uygur 23,048,000
Xizang 3,172,000
Yunnan 48,568,000
Zhejiang 57,508,000
Provinces:  31 1,408,224,000
UN Country Population 1,425,179,000
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Language Code # Peoples
w/ this Primary
# Unreached
w/ this Primary
Faith Comes
By Hearing
Bible Resources
Jesus Film
Achang acn 3 1 Complete Bible
Ache yif 1 1 Bible Portions
Adi adi 4 4 Complete Bible
Ai-Cham aih 1 1 Translation Needed
Ainu (China) aib 1 1 Translation Needed
Akeu aeu 1 1 New Testament
Akha ahk 1 1 Complete Bible
Altai, Northern atv 1 1 Unspecified
Alugu aub 1 1 Translation Needed
Aluo yna 1 1 Unspecified
Amis ami 1 1 Complete Bible
Anong nun 1 0 Complete Bible
Awa (China) vwa 1 0 Bible Portions
Awu yiu 2 1 Translation Needed
Axi yix 1 1 Unspecified
Azha aza 1 1 Bible Portions
Azhe yiz 1 1 Unspecified
Bai, Central bca 1 1 Bible Portions
Bai, Lama lay 1 0 Bible Portions
Bai, Panyi bfc 1 0 Unspecified
Bai, Southern bfs 1 1 Bible Portions
Baima bqh 1 1 Unspecified
Biao byk 1 1 Unspecified
Biao Mon bmt 1 1 Translation Needed
Biao-Jiao Mien bje 3 3 Translation Needed
Bit bgk 1 1 Unspecified
Biyo byo 2 0 Translation Needed
Blang blr 1 1 New Testament
Bokha ybk 1 1 Translation Needed
Bolyu ply 1 0 Unspecified
Bonan peh 2 2 Translation Needed
Bouyei pcc 1 1 Bible Portions
Bugan bbh 1 1 Translation Needed
Bumang bvp 1 1 Translation Needed
Bunu, Bu-Nao bwx 7 7 Unspecified
Bunu, Jiongnai pnu 1 0 Translation Needed
Bunu, Wunai bwn 1 1 Unspecified
Bunu, Younuo buh 1 1 Unspecified
Bunun bnn 1 1 Complete Bible
Buriat, China bxu 1 1 Unspecified
Burmese mya 1 1 Complete Bible
Buyang, Baha yha 1 1 Translation Needed
Buyang, E'ma yzg 1 1 Unspecified
Buyang, Langnian yln 1 1 Unspecified
Cao Lan mlc 1 1 Bible Portions
Cao Miao cov 1 1 Translation Needed
Chadong cdy 1 1 Translation Needed
Chesu ych 1 1 Unspecified
Chinese Sign Language csl 1 0 Translation Needed
Chinese, Gan gan 1 0 Bible Portions
Chinese, Hakka hak 2 1 Complete Bible
Chinese, Huizhou czh 1 0 Unspecified
Chinese, Jinyu cjy 1 0 Unspecified
Chinese, Mandarin cmn 48 35 Complete Bible
Chinese, Min Bei mnp 2 0 New Testament
Chinese, Min Dong cdo 2 0 Complete Bible
Chinese, Min Nan nan 4 1 Complete Bible
Chinese, Min Zhong czo 1 0 Unspecified
Chinese, Pu-Xian cpx 1 0 Complete Bible
Chinese, Wu wuu 1 0 Complete Bible
Chinese, Xiang hsn 4 4 Bible Portions
Chinese, Yue yue 2 0 Complete Bible
Choni cda 2 2 Unspecified
Cun cuq 1 0 Unspecified
Daur dta 3 3 Bible Portions
Digaro-Mishmi mhu 1 1 Bible Portions
Dong, Northern doc 1 1 Bible Portions
Dong, Southern kmc 2 2 New Testament
Dongxiang sce 1 1 Bible Portions
Drung duu 1 0 Unspecified
Dzao Min bpn 1 1 Unspecified
E eee 1 1 Translation Needed
English eng 2 0 Complete Bible
Enu enu 1 0 Translation Needed
Ersu ers 4 4 Unspecified
Evenki evn 5 5 Unspecified
Foma fom 1 0 Translation Needed
Gahri bfu 1 1 Bible Portions
Ge hmj 1 1 Bible Portions
Gelao, Green giq 1 0 Unspecified
Gepo ygp 2 2 New Testament
Groma gro 1 1 Unspecified
Guiqiong gqi 1 1 Translation Needed
Hani hni 7 2 Bible Portions
Hlai lic 4 4 Bible Portions
Hlersu hle 1 1 Translation Needed
Hmong Daw mww 4 3 Complete Bible
Hmong Njua hnj 1 1 Complete Bible
Honi how 2 0 Bible Portions
Horpa ero 1 1 Unspecified
Hu huo 1 1 Translation Needed
Idu-Mishmi clk 1 1 New Testament
Ili Turki ili 1 1 Unspecified
Indonesian ind 1 0 Complete Bible
Iu Mien ium 6 6 Complete Bible
Japanese jpn 1 1 Complete Bible
Jiamao jio 1 1 Unspecified
Jiarong jya 2 2 Bible Portions
Jingpho kac 2 0 Complete Bible
Jinuo, Buyuan jiy 1 1 Translation Needed
Jinuo, Youle jiu 1 1 Translation Needed
Kaduo ktp 1 0 Translation Needed
Kalmyk-Oirat xal 3 3 New Testament
Kang kyp 1 1 Unspecified
Kangjia kxs 1 1 Unspecified
Kathu ykt 1 1 Translation Needed
Katso kaf 1 1 Translation Needed
Kazakh kaz 2 2 Complete Bible
Kemiehua kfj 1 1 Translation Needed
Khakas kjh 1 1 Unspecified
Khlula ykl 1 1 Translation Needed
Khmu kjg 1 1 Bible Portions
Khuen khf 1 1 Translation Needed
Kim Mun mji 1 1 Bible Portions
Kon Keu kkn 2 2 Translation Needed
Korean kor 1 0 Complete Bible
Kua-nsi ykn 1 1 Translation Needed
Kuamasi yku 1 1 Translation Needed
Kucong lkc 1 1 Translation Needed
Kyerung kgy 1 1 Unspecified
Kyrgyz kir 1 1 Complete Bible
Lachi lbt 1 1 Unspecified
Lacid lsi 1 0 Complete Bible
Ladakhi lbj 2 2 New Testament
Lahu lhu 2 1 Complete Bible
Lahu Shi lhi 1 0 New Testament
Lakkia lbc 1 1 Bible Portions
Lalo, Central ywt 2 2 Unspecified
Lalo, Dongshanba yik 7 7 Unspecified
Lalu, Eastern yit 1 1 Unspecified
Lalu, Western ywl 1 1 Translation Needed
Lang'e yne 1 1 Translation Needed
Laomian lwm 1 1 Translation Needed
Lavrung jiq 2 2 Translation Needed
Lhao Vo mhx 1 0 Complete Bible
Lhomi lhm 1 1 New Testament
Limi ylm 1 1 Translation Needed
Lingao onb 1 0 New Testament
Lipo lpo 2 0 Complete Bible
Lisu lis 2 0 Complete Bible
Lolopo ycl 3 3 New Testament
Lolopo, Southern ysp 1 1 Translation Needed
Lopi lov 1 0 Translation Needed
Lu khb 4 4 New Testament
Mak (China) mkg 1 1 Unspecified
Man Met mml 1 1 Unspecified
Manchu mnc 1 0 New Testament
Mang zng 1 1 Unspecified
Maonan mmd 1 0 Translation Needed
Miao, Central Huishui hmc 1 1 Translation Needed
Miao, Central Mashan hmm 1 1 Translation Needed
Miao, Chuanqiandian Cluster cqd 4 4 New Testament
Miao, Eastern Huishui hme 1 1 Translation Needed
Miao, Eastern Qiandong hmq 1 1 Bible Portions
Miao, Eastern Xiangxi muq 1 1 Bible Portions
Miao, Horned hrm 1 0 Bible Portions
Miao, Large Flowery hmd 3 1 Complete Bible
Miao, Luopohe hml 2 2 Translation Needed
Miao, Northern Guiyang huj 2 2 Translation Needed
Miao, Northern Huishui hmi 1 1 Bible Portions
Miao, Northern Mashan hmp 1 1 Translation Needed
Miao, Northern Qiandong hea 3 3 New Testament
Miao, Small Flowery sfm 1 0 Unspecified
Miao, Southern Guiyang hmy 2 1 Translation Needed
Miao, Southern Mashan hma 1 1 Translation Needed
Miao, Southern Qiandong hms 1 1 Translation Needed
Miao, Southwestern Guiyang hmg 1 0 Translation Needed
Miao, Southwestern Huishui hmh 1 1 Unspecified
Miao, Western Mashan hmw 1 1 Translation Needed
Miao, Western Xiangxi mmr 1 1 Translation Needed
Miju-Mishmi mxj 1 1 Bible Portions
Mili ymh 1 1 Translation Needed
Minyag, Eastern emq 1 1 Translation Needed
Minyag, Western wmg 1 1 Unspecified
Miqie yiq 1 1 Unspecified
Moji ymi 1 1 Unspecified
Mongolian, Halh khk 1 1 Complete Bible
Mongolian, Peripheral mvf 2 2 Complete Bible
Muak Sa-aak ukk 1 1 Bible Portions
Muda ymd 1 1 Translation Needed
Muji, Northern ymx 1 1 Unspecified
Muji, Qila ymq 1 1 Unspecified
Muji, Southern ymc 1 1 Translation Needed
Mulam mlm 1 1 Translation Needed
Muzi ymz 1 1 Unspecified
Naluo ylo 1 0 Unspecified
Namuyi nmy 1 1 Translation Needed
Nanai gld 1 1 Bible Portions
Narua nru 1 0 Translation Needed
Nasu, Wumeng ywu 2 0 Translation Needed
Nasu, Wusa yig 13 8 New Testament
Naxi nxq 5 5 New Testament
Nisi yso 1 1 Translation Needed
Nisu, Eastern nos 5 5 Translation Needed
Nisu, Northern yiv 2 2 Bible Portions
Nisu, Northwestern nsf 1 1 Translation Needed
Nisu, Southern nsd 2 2 Bible Portions
Nisu, Southwestern nsv 1 1 Translation Needed
Nuosu iii 5 5 New Testament
Nusu nuf 1 0 Bible Portions
Pa Di pdi 1 1 Translation Needed
Pa-Hng pha 3 3 Unspecified
Paiwan pwn 1 1 Complete Bible
Palaung, Ruching pce 1 1 Complete Bible
Palaung, Rumai rbb 1 1 Bible Portions
Palaung, Shwe pll 1 1 Bible Portions
Pela bxd 1 0 Translation Needed
Phala ypa 1 1 Translation Needed
Phana' phq 1 1 Translation Needed
Phola ypg 1 1 Translation Needed
Phola, Alo ypo 1 1 Translation Needed
Pholo yip 2 2 Translation Needed
Phowa, Ani ypn 2 2 Translation Needed
Phowa, Hlepho yhl 1 0 Translation Needed
Phowa, Labo ypb 1 1 Translation Needed
Phula phh 1 1 Translation Needed
Phuma ypm 1 1 Translation Needed
Phupa ypp 1 1 Translation Needed
Phupha yph 1 1 Translation Needed
Phuza ypz 1 1 Translation Needed
Pinghua, Northern cnp 1 0 Unspecified
Pinghua, Southern csp 1 0 Unspecified
Pumi, Northern pmi 1 1 Unspecified
Pumi, Southern pmj 1 1 Unspecified
Purig prx 1 1 New Testament
Puroik suv 1 1 Bible Portions
Qabiao laq 1 1 Translation Needed
Qiang, Northern cng 5 5 Unspecified
Qiang, Southern qxs 9 9 Bible Portions
Queyu qvy 1 1 Unspecified
Rawang raw 1 0 Complete Bible
Riang Lang ril 1 1 Bible Portions
Russian rus 1 0 Complete Bible
Salar slr 1 1 Bible Portions
Samatao ysd 1 1 Unspecified
Samei smh 1 1 Translation Needed
Samtao stu 1 1 Unspecified
Sangkong sgk 1 1 Translation Needed
Sani ysn 10 9 Unspecified
Sanie ysy 1 1 Unspecified
Sarikoli srh 1 1 Translation Needed
Sartang onp 1 1 Unspecified
Shan shn 1 1 Complete Bible
She shx 1 1 Unspecified
Sherpa xsr 1 1 New Testament
Shuhi sxg 1 1 Translation Needed
Sinicized Miao hmz 1 1 Bible Portions
Sonaga ysg 1 1 Translation Needed
sTodsde jih 1 1 Translation Needed
Sui swi 1 1 Bible Portions
T'en tct 2 2 Translation Needed
Tai Dam blt 1 1 New Testament
Tai Don twh 1 1 Bible Portions
Tai Hongjin tiz 1 1 Unspecified
Tai Nua tdd 2 2 Bible Portions
Tai Ya cuu 1 1 Bible Portions
Talu yta 2 2 Translation Needed
Tanglang ytl 1 1 Translation Needed
Tatar tat 1 1 Complete Bible
Thangmi thf 1 1 New Testament
Thopho ytp 1 1 Translation Needed
Tibetan, Amdo adx 9 9 New Testament
Tibetan, Central bod 5 5 Complete Bible
Tibetan, Khams khg 5 5 New Testament
Tinani lbf 1 1 New Testament
Tsat huq 1 1 Translation Needed
Tseku tsk 1 1 Translation Needed
Tshangla tsj 1 1 New Testament
Tu mjg 2 2 Bible Portions
Tujia, Southern tjs 1 1 Unspecified
Tuvan tyv 1 1 Complete Bible
U uuu 1 1 Unspecified
Unknown xxx 19 15 Unspecified
Uyghur uig 6 6 Complete Bible
Uzbek, Northern uzn 1 1 Complete Bible
Vietnamese vie 1 1 Complete Bible
Wa, Parauk prk 1 0 Complete Bible
Wa, Vo wbm 2 2 Complete Bible
Wakhi wbl 1 1 Bible Portions
Walungge ola 1 1 Unspecified
Waxianghua wxa 1 1 Translation Needed
Wutunhua wuh 1 1 Translation Needed
Xibe sjo 1 1 New Testament
Yakut sah 1 1 New Testament
Yerong yrn 1 1 Translation Needed
Yi, Wuding-Luquan ywq 2 0 Complete Bible
Yugur, East yuy 1 1 Unspecified
Yugur, West ybe 1 1 Unspecified
Zaiwa atb 1 1 New Testament
Zakhring zkr 1 1 Unspecified
Zauzou zal 1 0 Translation Needed
Zhaba zhb 1 1 Unspecified
Zhuang, Central Hongshuihe zch 1 1 Bible Portions
Zhuang, Dai zhd 1 1 Translation Needed
Zhuang, Eastern Hongshuihe zeh 1 1 Translation Needed
Zhuang, Guibei zgb 1 1 Translation Needed
Zhuang, Guibian zgn 1 1 Unspecified
Zhuang, Lianshan zln 1 1 Unspecified
Zhuang, Liujiang zlj 1 1 Unspecified
Zhuang, Liuqian zlq 1 1 Translation Needed
Zhuang, Minz zgm 1 1 Bible Portions
Zhuang, Nong zhn 1 1 New Testament
Zhuang, Qiubei zqe 1 1 Translation Needed
Zhuang, Yang zyg 2 2 Unspecified
Zhuang, Yongbei zyb 1 1 New Testament
Zhuang, Yongnan zyn 1 1 Bible Portions
Zhuang, Youjiang zyj 1 1 Bible Portions
Zhuang, Zuojiang zzj 1 1 Translation Needed
Zokhuo yzk 1 1 Translation Needed
Totals: 309 545 441   59 65 96 160 16
Networking Possibilities

Search the Web
There are many agencies and churches looking for additional staff to help them in their mission and calling in China. Internet searches are probably the best way to find these organizations. The following are some example search topics you might try:

  • Church planting agencies in China
  • Christian ministry in China
  • Business as mission
  • Christian literature distribution
  • Evangelism agencies
  • Christian discipleship
  • Short term Christian missions
  • Long term Christian missions
  • Urban ministries
  • Christian media opportunities
  • Bible translation opportunities
  • Relief and development agencies
  • Clean water projects
  • Christian medical outreaches

China Statistics
People Groups 545
Unreached People Groups 441  (80.9%)
Population 1,407,736,000
Population Annual Growth Rate 0.4%
Population in Unreached 140,505,000  (10.0%)
Primary Religion Non-Religious
Percent Christian Adherent 9.2%
Percent Evangelical 7.6%
Evangelical Annual Growth Rate 2.9%
Pioneer Workers Needed * 3,033
Country Progress Level 4
Urbanization 59%
Continent Asia
Region Asia, Northeast
10/40 Window Yes
Country Code CH
Official Language(s) Chinese, Mandarin
Literacy Rate 97%
Estimated Illiterate Population 42,232,000
Persecution Ranking 19 (1=Highest) Open Doors

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