A Frontier People Group (FPG) is:
Joshua Project approximates FPGs (indicated with ☀︎) as:
In Frontier People Groups, pioneer workers are generally limited to starting with non-believers. 60% of Unreached People Groups are still Frontier People Groups. In the other 40% of Unreached Groups it is often possible to partner with same-culture believers.
How many Frontier People Groups are there?Joshua Project data shows 4,788 Frontier People Groups with total population 2,050,230,000. One fourth of the world lives in these FPGs and have almost no chance of hearing about Jesus from someone in their own people group. About HALF the population of all FPGs live in just 36 groups, each over ten million in population.
How neglected are Frontier People Groups?The vast majority of mission prayer, giving and laborers focuses on strengthening Christians where Christians are already present. Only a very small portion of mission prayer and resources go to Unreached People Groups (UPGs) at all, and only a tiny fraction of this goes to Frontier Unreached People Groups (FPGs). Very few mission agencies and churches send even 1% of their missionaries to Frontier Peoples.
Link to or download these Frontier Peoples videos and post them on your website!
Use your mobile device to pray for the largest Frontier People Groups
Prayer guide for the largest Frontier People groups without a Gospel movement
Day 1: Uyghur in China
Day 2: North Yemeni Arabs in Yemen
Day 3: Brahmin in India
Day 4: Bania in India
Day 5: Shaikh in Bangladesh
Day 6: Shaikh in India
Day 7: Shaikh in Pakistan
Day 8: Pashtun in India
Day 9: Maratha (Mahratta) in India
Day 10: Nai in India
Day 11: Arain in Pakistan
Day 12: Arabic Algerians in Algeria
Day 13: Hui in China
Day 14: Jat in Pakistan
Day 15: Jat in India
Day 16: Yadav in India
Day 17: Ansari in India
Day 18: Kumhar in India
Day 19: Kurmi in India
Day 20: Mali in India
Day 21: Rajput in India
Day 22: Northern Uzbek in Uzbekistan
Day 23: Dhobi in India
Day 24: Teli in India
Day 25: Kapu in India
Day 26: Kunbi in India
Day 27: Nigerian Fulani in Nigeria
Day 28: Najdi Arabs in Saudi Arabia
Day 29: Turk in Turkey
Day 30: Moroccan Arabs in Morocco
Day 31: Malay in Malaysia
Introduce children to Frontier People Groups
Day 1: Afghan Tajik
Day 2: Algerian Tuareg
Day 3: Shaikh
Day 4: Hui
Day 5: Kazakh
Day 6: Mongol
Day 7: Uyghur
Day 8: Ansari
Day 9: Bania
Day 10: Brahmin
Day 11: Dhobi
Day 12: Jat
Day 13: Kapu
Day 14: Kumhar
Day 15: Kunbi
Day 16: Mahratta
Day 17: Nai
Day 18: Rajput
Day 19: Teli
Day 20: Yadav
Day 21: Malay
Day 22: Moroccan
Day 23: Rakhine
Day 24: Fulani
Day 25: Arain
Day 26: Pashtun
Day 27: Wolof
Day 28: Turk
Day 29: Uzbek
Day 30: Arab Northern Yemeni
Day 31: Chechen