Country: Nepal South Asia PeoplesSouth Asia Peoples website

People Groups


People Groups Unreached

215 (94.7%)

People Groups Unreached Frontier

154 (67.8%)



Population in Unreached

27,573,000 (88.7%)

Population in Unreached Frontier

9,725,000 (31.3%)

% Christian Adherent *


% Evangelical


Progress Level

Progress Gauge
* Data can be from various sources including official census, agencies, and local research. Data from these sources can sometimes differ even by orders of magnitude. Joshua Project attempts to present a conservative, balanced estimate.
Map Notes

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Photo People Group Population
this Ctry
Indigenous Primary Language Primary
% Christian
Adherent *
% Evangelical Est. Workers
Needed *
 Abdul 1,500 86,000 3 Urdu Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Adibasi Janajati 1,300 1,300 1 Nepali Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Ahar 2,400 1,657,000 2 Awadhi Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Amat 3,500 310,000 2 Maithili Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Ansari 51,000 17,148,000 6 Urdu Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Ath Pahariya 6,900 6,900 1 Athpariya Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Badhai (Hindu traditions) 38,000 7,515,000 3 Maithili Hinduism 0.15 % 1
 Badhai (Muslim traditions) 2,700 764,000 4 Urdu Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
Badhi (Hindu traditions) 44,000 135,000 2 Nepali Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Baghban (Muslim traditions) 1,100 269,000 3 Urdu Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Baha'i 1,400 27,000 3 Nepali Other / Small ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bahing 3,300 3,300 1 Bahing Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bahna (Hindu traditions) 18,000 960,000 2 Maithili Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bairagi (Hindu traditions) 281,000 4,561,000 4 Nepali Hinduism ☀︎ 0.05 % 6
 Bangali (Hindu traditions) 30,000 113,000 2 Maithili Hinduism 0.54 % 1
 Bania Agarwal 21,000 5,568,000 4 Bhojpuri Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bania Agrahari 2,600 366,000 2 Bhojpuri Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bania Kasaundhan 2,400 568,000 2 Bhojpuri Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
Bania Khatri 1,000 235,000 3 Maithili Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bania Mahur 1,300 981,000 3 Bhojpuri Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bania Rauniar 3,200 153,000 2 Bhojpuri Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bania unspecified 147,000 19,538,000 6 Maithili Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 3
 Bantar 64,000 217,000 2 Maithili Hinduism ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bantawa 5,200 5,200 1 Bantawa Hinduism 0.12 % 0.12 % 1
 Baramu 9,100 9,100 1 Nepali Hinduism 0.25 % 1
  Totals:  227 31,103,000           154 ☀︎  215 1.43 % 0.00 % 687 
  Unclassified / Other Individuals 137,000                  
  UN Country Population (2024) 31,240,000                  
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Province Population People Groups Unreached
% Unreached
in Unreached
% Population
Bagmati 4,386,000 165 157 95.2 % 3,338,000 76.1 % 8
Bheri 2,025,000 149 142 95.3 % 2,002,000 98.9 % 5
Dhaulagiri 621,000 55 51 92.7 % 606,000 97.6 % 4
Gandaki 1,781,000 123 116 94.3 % 1,420,000 79.7 % 6
Janakpur 3,256,000 158 150 94.9 % 3,002,000 92.2 % 6
Karnali 622,000 48 44 91.7 % 604,000 97.1 % 6
Kosi 2,621,000 171 162 94.7 % 2,168,000 82.7 % 6
Lumbini 3,267,000 172 164 95.3 % 3,209,000 98.2 % 7
Mahakali 1,171,000 93 89 95.7 % 1,164,000 99.4 % 4
Mechi 1,623,000 132 124 93.9 % 1,239,000 76.3 % 4
Narayani 3,353,000 159 152 95.6 % 2,881,000 85.9 % 5
Rapti 1,498,000 104 99 95.2 % 1,488,000 99.3 % 5
Sagarmatha 2,342,000 161 153 95.0 % 2,064,000 88.1 % 6
Seti 1,754,000 117 111 94.9 % 1,747,000 99.6 % 5
Country:   31,103,000 227 215 94.7 % 27,573,000 88.7 % 77
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Language Code # Peoples
w/ this Primary
# Unreached
w/ this Primary
Faith Comes
By Hearing
Bible Resources
Jesus Film
Athpariya aph 1 1 New Testament
Awadhi awa 13 13 Complete Bible
Bahing bhj 1 1 New Testament
Bantawa bap 1 1 New Testament
Bhojpuri bho 23 23 New Testament
Boro (India) brx 1 1 Complete Bible
Bote bmj 1 1 Bible Portions
Chamling rab 1 1 New Testament
Chepang cdm 1 0 New Testament
Danuwar dhw 1 1 Bible Portions
Darai dry 1 1 Bible Portions
Dhimal dhi 1 1 New Testament
Ghale, Southern ghe 1 0 New Testament
Gurung gvr 1 0 New Testament
Hindi hin 2 2 Complete Bible
Humla hut 1 1 Unspecified
Hyolmo scp 2 2 New Testament
Jirel jul 1 1 New Testament
Kaike kzq 1 1 Unspecified
Khaling klr 1 0 Complete Bible
Kulung (Nepal) kle 1 1 Complete Bible
Kurux kru 2 2 Complete Bible
Kyerung kgy 1 1 Bible Portions
Lepcha lep 1 1 New Testament
Lhomi lhm 1 1 New Testament
Lhowa loy 1 1 New Testament
Limbu lif 1 1 Complete Bible
Maithili mai 76 75 New Testament
Mewahang, Eastern emg 1 1 New Testament
Nachiring ncd 1 1 Unspecified
Nepalese Sign Language nsp 1 1 Bible Portions
Nepali npi 30 28 Complete Bible
Newar new 1 1 Complete Bible
Nubri kte 1 1 Unspecified
Punjabi, Eastern pan 1 1 Complete Bible
Rajbanshi rjs 3 2 New Testament
Raji rji 1 1 Unspecified
Sampang rav 1 1 New Testament
Santhali sat 1 0 Complete Bible
Sherpa xsr 3 2 New Testament
Sora srb 1 0 Complete Bible
Sunwar suz 1 1 Complete Bible
Tamang, Eastern taj 1 0 New Testament
Thakali ths 1 1 Unspecified
Thangmi thf 1 1 New Testament
Tharu, Dangaura thl 2 2 New Testament
Thulung tdh 1 1 New Testament
Tibetan, Central bod 1 1 Complete Bible
Tsum ttz 1 1 Unspecified
Urdu urd 27 27 Complete Bible
Walungge ola 1 1 Unspecified
Wayu vay 1 1 Bible Portions
Yakkha ybh 1 1 New Testament
Yamphu ybi 1 1 New Testament
Yamphu, Southern lrr 1 1 Unspecified
Totals: 55 227 215   31 28 27 49 4
Networking Possibilities

Search the Web
There are many agencies and churches looking for additional staff to help them in their mission and calling in Nepal. Internet searches are probably the best way to find these organizations. The following are some example search topics you might try:

  • Church planting agencies in Nepal
  • Christian ministry in Nepal
  • Business as mission
  • Christian literature distribution
  • Evangelism agencies
  • Christian discipleship
  • Short term Christian missions
  • Long term Christian missions
  • Urban ministries
  • Christian media opportunities
  • Bible translation opportunities
  • Relief and development agencies
  • Clean water projects
  • Christian medical outreaches

Nepal Statistics
People Groups 227
Unreached People Groups 215  (94.7%)
Population 31,103,000
Population Annual Growth Rate 1.2%
Population in Unreached 27,573,000  (88.7%)
Primary Religion Hinduism
Percent Christian Adherent 1.4%
Percent Evangelical Unknown
Pioneer Workers Needed * 687
Country Progress Level 1
Urbanization 20%
Continent Asia
Region Asia, South
10/40 Window Yes
Country Code NP
Official Language(s) NepaliMaithili
Literacy Rate 68%
Estimated Illiterate Population 9,953,000
Persecution Ranking Not ranked

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