Country: Sudan

People Groups


People Groups Unreached

169 (84.5%)

People Groups Unreached Frontier

121 (60.5%)



Population in Unreached

46,784,000 (94.9%)

Population in Unreached Frontier

29,983,000 (60.8%)

% Evangelical


Progress Level

Progress Gauge
Map Notes

Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Population
this Ctry
Indigenous Primary Language Primary
% Christian
% Evangelical Needed
 Abu-Junuk 10,000 10,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Acheron 28,000 28,000 1 Acheron Christianity 95.00 % 70.00 % -
Afitti, Ditti 5,600 5,600 1 Afitti Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
Aka 1,200 1,200 1 Aka Islam 6.00 % 5.20 % -
 Alehemir 2,100 2,100 1 Katcha-Kadugli-Miri Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Amhara, Ethiopian 120,000 27,247,000 23 Amharic Christianity 65.00 % 1.10 % -
 Amri 97,000 97,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 2
Angolo 49,000 49,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Antiti 17,000 17,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Arab, Egyptian 801,000 78,032,000 35 Arabic, Egyptian Islam 9.00 % 3.00 % -
 Arab, Moroccan 300,000 30,794,000 22 Arabic, Moroccan Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 6
 Arab, Sudanese 15,087,000 18,542,000 19 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.05 % 0.01 % 302
 Arab, Syrian 116,000 20,176,000 38 Arabic, Levantine Islam 8.00 % 1.00 % -
 Arab, Yemeni 31,000 8,297,000 16 Arabic, Ta'izzi-Adeni Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Armenian 1,800 5,931,000 55 Armenian, Western Christianity 94.00 % 8.70 % -
 Arra 2,500 2,500 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Awlad Hassan 156,000 156,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 3
 Baggara, Fertit 15,000 44,000 2 Arabic, Sudanese Islam 0.80 % 0.80 % 1
 Baggara, Habbania 436,000 436,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam 0.20 % 0.20 % 9
 Baggara, Messiria 706,000 706,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 14
 Baggara, Selim 77,000 77,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 2
 Baggara, Shuwa Arab 124,000 4,243,000 8 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 2
 Batahin 315,000 315,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 6
Baygo 1,400 1,400 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Bederia 1,110,000 1,110,000 1 Arabic, Sudanese Islam 3.50 % 0.90 % 22
  Totals:  200 49,274,000           121 ☀︎  169 2.30 % 0.48 % 1,003 
  Unclassified / Other Individuals 84,000                  
  UN Country Population (2024) 49,358,000                  

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State Estimated
Al Jazirah 5,341,000
Al Qadarif 395,000
Blue Nile 1,201,000
Central Darfur 2,710,000
East Darfur 1,214,000
Kassala 2,731,000
Khartoum 8,666,000
North Darfur 2,499,000
North Kurdufan 3,441,000
Northern 1,015,000
Red Sea 1,607,000
River Nile 1,638,000
Sennar 2,080,000
South Darfur 5,803,000
South Kurdufan 2,285,000
West Darfur 1,925,000
West Kurdufan 1,431,000
White Nile 1,876,000
States:  18 47,858,000
UN Country Population 49,358,000
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Language Code # Peoples
w/ this Primary
# Unreached
w/ this Primary
Faith Comes
By Hearing
Bible Resources
Jesus Film
Acheron acz 1 0 Translation Started
Afitti aft 1 1 Translation Started
Aka soh 1 0 Unspecified
Ama nyi 1 1 Bible Portions
Amdang amj 1 1 Unspecified
Amharic amh 1 0 Complete Bible
Andaandi dgl 1 1 Bible Portions
Arabic, Algerian arq 1 0 New Testament
Arabic, Egyptian arz 1 0 Complete Bible
Arabic, Levantine apc 1 0 Bible Portions
Arabic, Moroccan ary 1 1 New Testament
Arabic, Sudanese apd 90 87 New Testament
Arabic, Ta'izzi-Adeni acq 1 1 Bible Portions
Armenian, Western hyw 1 0 Complete Bible
Assangori sjg 1 1 Unspecified
Bedawiyet bej 3 3 Bible Portions
Berta wti 1 0 Bible Portions
Burun bdi 1 1 Bible Portions
Chinese, Mandarin cmn 1 0 Complete Bible
Dagik dec 1 1 Unspecified
Dair drb 1 1 Unspecified
Daju, Dar Fur daj 1 1 Translation Needed
Daju, Dar Sila dau 1 1 Translation Needed
Dilling dil 2 2 Unspecified
Fongoro fgr 1 1 Unspecified
Fulfulde, Adamawa fub 1 1 Complete Bible
Fur fvr 1 1 Bible Portions
Gaam tbi 1 1 Translation Started
Ganza gza 1 0 Translation Started
Gbaya krs 1 0 New Testament
Gbaya, Northwest gya 1 0 Complete Bible
Ghulfan ghl 1 1 Translation Started
Gula (Central African Republic) kcm 1 0 Translation Needed
Gumuz guk 1 0 New Testament
Hausa hau 1 1 Complete Bible
Heiban hbn 1 1 New Testament
Jumjum jum 1 1 Bible Portions
Kadaru kdu 1 1 Translation Started
Kanga kcp 1 1 Translation Started
Kanuri, Yerwa knc 1 1 New Testament
Karko kko 2 2 Translation Started
Katcha-Kadugli-Miri xtc 4 3 New Testament
Katla kcr 1 1 Translation Started
Keiga kec 1 1 Unspecified
Kelo xel 1 0 Unspecified
Ko fuj 2 2 Translation Started
Koalib kib 2 1 New Testament
Komo (Sudan) xom 1 1 Bible Portions
Krongo kgo 1 1 New Testament
Kunama kun 1 0 Complete Bible
Lafofa laf 1 1 Translation Needed
Laro lro 1 0 New Testament
Logol lof 1 1 Translation Started
Logorik liu 1 1 Bible Portions
Lumun lmd 1 0 New Testament
Maba (Chad) mde 1 1 Unspecified
Mararit mgb 1 1 Unspecified
Masalit mls 1 1 Bible Portions
Me'en mym 1 0 New Testament
Midob mei 1 1 Unspecified
Moro mor 1 0 Complete Bible
Nding eli 1 1 Translation Needed
Ngambay sba 1 0 Complete Bible
Ngile jle 2 2 Translation Needed
Nobiin fia 1 1 Bible Portions
Oromo, West Central gaz 1 0 Complete Bible
Otoro otr 1 0 New Testament
Shatt shj 1 1 Bible Portions
Shwai shw 1 1 Translation Started
Sokoro sok 1 1 Bible Portions
Somali som 1 1 Complete Bible
Swahili swh 1 1 Complete Bible
Tagoi tag 4 4 Translation Started
Tama (Chad) tma 2 2 Unspecified
Tedaga tuq 1 1 Translation Needed
Tegali ras 2 2 Translation Started
Temein teq 1 1 Translation Started
Tese keg 1 1 Translation Started
Tigre tig 1 1 Complete Bible
Tigrigna tir 1 0 Complete Bible
Tima tms 1 1 Translation Started
Tira tic 1 1 Unspecified
Tocho taz 1 1 Unspecified
Tulishi tey 3 3 Translation Started
Tumtum tbr 2 2 Translation Started
Turkish tur 1 1 Complete Bible
Uduk udu 1 0 New Testament
Unknown xxx 1 1 Unspecified
Wali (Sudan) wll 1 1 Translation Started
Warnang wrn 1 1 Translation Started
Yulu yul 1 0 Translation Needed
Zaghawa zag 2 2 Unspecified
Totals: 92 200 169   28 30 38 62 7
Networking Possibilities

Search the Web
There are many agencies and churches looking for additional staff to help them in their mission and calling in Sudan. Internet searches are probably the best way to find these organizations. The following are some example search topics you might try:

  • Church planting agencies in Sudan
  • Christian ministry in Sudan
  • Business as mission
  • Christian literature distribution
  • Evangelism agencies
  • Christian discipleship
  • Short term Christian missions
  • Long term Christian missions
  • Urban ministries
  • Christian media opportunities
  • Bible translation opportunities
  • Relief and development agencies
  • Clean water projects
  • Christian medical outreaches

Sudan Statistics
People Groups 200
Unreached People Groups 169  (84.5%)
Population 49,274,000
Population Annual Growth Rate 2.4%
Population in Unreached 46,784,000  (94.9%)
Primary Religion Islam
Percent Christian Adherent 2.3%
Percent Evangelical 0.5%
Pioneer Workers Needed * 1,003
Country Progress Level 1
Urbanization 35%
Continent Africa
Region Africa, East and Southern
10/40 Window Yes
Country Code SU
Official Language(s) Arabic, StandardArabic, Sudanese
Literacy Rate 61%
Estimated Illiterate Population 19,217,000
Persecution Ranking 5 (1=Highest) Open Doors