Progress Scale: 4 - Partially reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 2% and <= 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

22.3 %



% of World Population

24.7 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
 Luwo South Sudan 235,000 Luwo Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 10.00 %
Kanum, Sota Papua New Guinea 500 Kanum, Sota Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 10.00 %
Kapsiki, Psikye Cameroon 132,000 Psikye Islam 35.00 % 5.00 %
 Kanem, Koenoem Nigeria 3,700 Koenoem Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 5.67 %
 Arab, Lebanese Belgium 2,500 Arabic, Levantine Islam 35.00 % 4.00 %
Lemoro, Anowuru Nigeria 21,000 Lemoro Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 7.17 %
 Maasai Tanzania 456,000 Maasai Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 10.00 %
Mabo-Barkul, Kaleri Nigeria 4,200 Bo-Rukul Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 4.00 %
Ayta, Mag-Indi Philippines 48,000 Ayta, Mag-Indi Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 6.00 %
 Nawuri Ghana 25,000 Nawuri Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 3.00 %
Ningil Papua New Guinea 1,900 Ningil Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 8.00 %
 Becheve Cameroon 18,000 Iceve-Maci Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 10.00 %
 Mossi Benin 46,000 Moore Islam 35.00 % 9.00 %
Teke, Northern Congo, Republic of the 98,000 Teke-Tege Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 6.00 %
Ososo Nigeria 37,000 Ososo Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 8.00 %
 Pe Nigeria 8,900 Pye Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 5.00 %
Owiniga, Samo Papua New Guinea 700 Owiniga Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 10.00 %
Pulabu Papua New Guinea 400 Pulabu Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 7.00 %
 Javanese, Caribbean French Guiana 3,200 Javanese, Suriname Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 4.00 %
 Javanese, Caribbean Suriname 81,000 Javanese, Suriname Islam 35.00 % 7.75 %
 Karen, Pwo Eastern Thailand 58,000 Karen, Pwo Eastern Buddhism 35.00 % 4.00 %
Uhami-Iyayu Nigeria 27,000 Uhami Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 7.00 %
Yashi Nigeria 6,300 Hasha Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 4.00 %
 Lahu Shi United States 2,300 Lahu Shi Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 4.00 %
Yuqui Bolivia 400 Yuqui Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 10.00 %
Totals:  3,842 People Groups   1,997,701,000            

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