Religion: Christianity What is Primary Religion?

Population of Adherents


% of World Population

31.2 %

People Groups


Unreached Groups

0 (0.0 %)

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Est. Workers
Needed *
 Uruguayan, Mestizo Uruguay 85,000 Spanish Christianity 65.00 % 6.20 % Complete Bible -
 Colombian, Mestizo Colombia 34,645,000 Spanish Christianity 96.30 % 10.81 % Complete Bible -
 Amorua, Wipiwe Colombia 200 Guahibo Christianity 70.00 % 3.00 % New Testament -
Matapi Colombia 1,600 Yucuna Christianity 65.00 % 7.00 % New Testament -
 Senu, Zenu Colombia 38,000 Spanish Christianity 65.00 % 3.00 % Complete Bible -
Yanacona, Mitamae Colombia 24,000 Spanish Christianity 75.00 % 7.00 % Complete Bible -
 Silesian, Lower Poland 13,000 Silesian, Lower Christianity 85.00 % 1.00 % Unspecified -
Nicaraguan, Creole Nicaragua 23,000 Nicaragua English Creole Christianity 92.00 % 10.00 % Unspecified -
Karolano Philippines 23,000 Binukidnon, Northern Christianity 80.00 % 4.00 % Bible Portions -
 Romano-Serbian Serbia 77,000 Romano-Serbian Christianity 65.00 % 0.40 % New Testament -
 Alaskan Athabascan United States 17,000 English Christianity 60.00 % 3.00 % Complete Bible -
Colville United States 8,900 English Christianity 60.00 % 3.00 % Complete Bible -
 Delaware United States 8,700 English Christianity 60.00 % 3.00 % Complete Bible -
Iroquois United States 45,000 English Christianity 60.00 % 3.00 % Complete Bible -
 Osage United States 10,000 English Christianity 60.00 % 3.00 % Complete Bible -
 Mountain Utes United States 4,900 Ute-Southern Paiute Christianity 60.00 % 3.00 % Bible Portions -
Clallam United States 3,200 English Christianity 55.00 % 4.00 % Complete Bible -
Coeur d'Alene United States 1,200 English Christianity 58.00 % 4.00 % Complete Bible -
Coos, Hanis United States 400 English Christianity 60.00 % 3.00 % Complete Bible -
Cupeno United States 800 English Christianity 55.00 % 4.00 % Complete Bible -
Fall Indian, Atsina United States 1,800 English Christianity 55.00 % 3.00 % Complete Bible -
Han, Moosehide United States 300 English Christianity 55.00 % 4.00 % Complete Bible -
Holikachuk United States 200 English Christianity 60.00 % 4.00 % Complete Bible -
Hupa United States 1,600 English Christianity 55.00 % 4.00 % Complete Bible -
Kato United States 100 English Christianity 58.00 % 5.00 % Complete Bible -
Totals: 7,135 Peoples   2,517,828,000     0       0
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