Progress Scale: 5 - Significantly reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

19.1 %



% of World Population

22.9 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Imonda Papua New Guinea 600 Imonda Christianity 90.00 % 35.00 %
Ipiko Papua New Guinea 600 Ipiko Christianity 90.00 % 26.00 %
 Jamaican Aruba 600 Jamaican English Creole Christianity 82.00 % 28.00 %
 Kaiwa Argentina 600 Kaiwa Christianity 70.00 % 35.00 %
Kambaira Papua New Guinea 600 Kambaira Christianity 100.00 % 25.00 %
Kaska Canada 600 Kaska Christianity 90.00 % 15.00 %
Kinalakna Papua New Guinea 600 Kinalakna Christianity 90.00 % 25.00 %
Kominimung Papua New Guinea 600 Kominimung Christianity 90.00 % 22.00 %
Maralango Papua New Guinea 600 Kodut, South Christianity 90.00 % 26.00 %
Mokerang, Los Negros Papua New Guinea 600 Idio Christianity 90.00 % 11.00 %
 Murisapa Papua New Guinea 600 Moresada Christianity 90.00 % 16.00 %
Nokuku Vanuatu 600 Tanokuku Christianity 98.00 % 46.00 %
Okro Papua New Guinea 600 Nali Christianity 90.00 % 19.00 %
Sinagen, Alu Papua New Guinea 600 Sinagen Christianity 95.00 % 16.00 %
Sinesip, South West Bay Vanuatu 600 Nahavaq Christianity 100.00 % 46.00 %
Orowe New Caledonia 600 Orowe Christianity 100.00 % 18.00 %
 Pingilapese Guam 600 Pingelapese Christianity 100.00 % 15.00 %
 Pingilapese United States 600 Pingelapese Christianity 100.00 % 19.00 %
 Sharanahua Brazil 600 Portuguese Christianity 70.00 % 20.00 %
Sissano, Sinama Papua New Guinea 600 Essono Christianity 100.00 % 14.00 %
 Lundayeh, Lun Bawang Brunei 600 Lundayeh Christianity 55.00 % 18.00 %
 Swazi United States 600 Swati Christianity 80.00 % 18.00 %
 Filipino, Tagalog Iceland 600 Tagalog Christianity 93.00 % 12.00 %
Tapiete, Guarayo Argentina 600 Nandeva Christianity 80.00 % 16.00 %
Chin, Tawr Myanmar (Burma) 600 Chin, Tawr Christianity 90.00 % 80.00 %
Totals:  3,297 People Groups   1,846,159,000            

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