Progress Scale: 5 - Significantly reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

19.1 %



% of World Population

22.8 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Yambes Papua New Guinea 2,000 Yambes Christianity 75.00 % 19.00 %
Washkuk, Kwoma Papua New Guinea 5,500 Kwoma Christianity 99.00 % 19.00 %
Wamas Papua New Guinea 400 Wamas Christianity 100.00 % 19.00 %
 Wallisian Fiji 900 Wallisian Christianity 100.00 % 19.00 %
Valman, Koroko Papua New Guinea 3,200 Walman Christianity 90.00 % 19.00 %
 Tutsi Congo, Democratic Republic of 485,000 Kinyarwanda Christianity 95.00 % 19.00 %
 Wiru Papua New Guinea 51,000 Witu Christianity 99.00 % 19.00 %
Subanon, Western Kalibugan Philippines 158,000 Subanon, Western Christianity 60.00 % 19.00 %
Kiwai, Southern Papua New Guinea 25,000 Kiwai, Southern Christianity 97.00 % 19.00 %
Carrier, Southern Canada 2,200 Carrier, Southern Christianity 96.00 % 19.00 %
 Cakchiquel, Southern Guatemala 107,000 Kaqchikel Christianity 99.00 % 19.00 %
 South American, Mestizo United States 3,070,000 Spanish Christianity 95.00 % 19.00 %
 Sefwi Ghana 441,000 Esahie Christianity 78.00 % 19.00 %
Saruga Papua New Guinea 400 Saruga Christianity 100.00 % 19.00 %
Sara Kaba Central African Republic 23,000 Sara Kaba Ethnic Religions 47.00 % 19.00 %
Puluwat Micronesia, Federated States 1,400 Puluwatese Christianity 95.00 % 19.00 %
Prang, Kplang Ghana 2,800 Kplang Christianity 65.00 % 19.00 %
Piva Papua New Guinea 2,000 Lawunuia Christianity 90.00 % 19.00 %
Piu, Sanbiau Papua New Guinea 200 Piu Christianity 100.00 % 19.00 %
 Pingilapese United States 600 Pingelapese Christianity 100.00 % 19.00 %
 Pingilapese Micronesia, Federated States 2,200 Pingelapese Christianity 96.00 % 19.00 %
Pileni Solomon Islands 3,100 Vaeakau-Taumako Christianity 95.00 % 19.00 %
Jwira-Pepesa Ghana 32,000 Jwira-Pepesa Christianity 64.00 % 19.00 %
Patamona Guyana 5,300 Patamona Christianity 70.00 % 19.00 %
 Panamanian, Mulatto Panama 262,000 Spanish Christianity 91.00 % 19.00 %
Totals:  3,294 People Groups   1,842,445,000            

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