Country: Namibia

People Groups


People Groups Unreached

0 (0.0%)

People Groups Unreached Frontier

0 (0.0%)



Population in Unreached

0 (0.0%)

Population in Unreached Frontier

0 (0.0%)

% Evangelical


Progress Level

Progress Gauge
Map Notes

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Photo People Group Population
this Ctry
Indigenous Primary Language Primary
% Christian
% Evangelical Needed
 Afrikaner 79,000 4,760,000 15 Afrikaans Christianity 93.00 % 18.00 % -
Ambo, Ndonga 363,000 408,000 2 Ndonga Christianity 98.50 % 18.00 % -
Bangologa, Kgalagadi 5,100 84,000 2 Kgalagadi Ethnic Religions 30.00 % 10.00 % -
Baster, Rehobother 58,000 58,000 1 Afrikaans Christianity 90.00 % 8.00 % -
 British 2,200 54,161,000 126 English Christianity 60.00 % 8.00 % -
 Chokwe 8,300 3,980,000 4 Chokwe Christianity 85.00 % 39.00 % -
 Deaf 20,000 50,266,000 216 Namibian Sign Language Christianity 91.44 % -
 Dhimba 7,400 43,000 2 Dhimba Christianity 70.00 % 25.00 % -
 Fwe 15,000 15,000 1 Fwe Christianity 90.00 % 2.00 % -
Gciriku 60,000 91,000 3 Gciriku Christianity 65.00 % 8.00 % -
 German 41,000 67,020,000 78 German, Standard Christianity 64.00 % 2.10 % -
 Heikum, San 23,000 70,000 3 Haiom Ethnic Religions 10.00 % 10.00 % -
 Herero 279,000 329,000 3 Herero Christianity 97.00 % 9.00 % -
 Kung-Ekoka 10,000 25,000 4 Kung-Ekoka Ethnic Religions 10.00 % 0.20 % -
 Kung-Tsumkwe 44,000 65,000 3 Ju'hoan Ethnic Religions 10.00 % 7.00 % -
Kwambi 42,000 42,000 1 Kwambi Christianity 80.00 % 3.00 % -
 Kwanyama, Oshiwambo 720,000 1,579,000 2 Oshiwambo Christianity 98.50 % 17.00 % -
 Kxoe, Xun 4,300 8,500 5 Khwedam Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 15.00 % -
 Lozi 41,000 1,562,000 5 Lozi Christianity 90.00 % 10.00 % -
 Luchazi 1,600 800,000 3 Luchazi Christianity 90.00 % 35.00 % -
Luyana, Kwangali 240,000 278,000 3 Kwangali Christianity 90.00 % 12.00 % -
 Masi 300 46,000 3 Mashi (Zambia) Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 12.00 % -
Mbalanhu 300 300 1 Mbalanhu Ethnic Religions 15.00 % 0.50 % -
 Mbukushu, Gova 47,000 120,000 4 Mbukushu Christianity 55.00 % 5.00 % -
 Nama, Khoekhoe 364,000 366,000 2 Khoekhoe Christianity 88.00 % 8.00 % -
  Totals:  34 2,577,000           0 ☀︎  0 88.59 % 12.48 %
  Unclassified / Other Individuals 69,000                  
  UN Country Population (2024) 2,646,000                  
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Prayer Cards

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Province Estimated
!Karas 92,000
Erongo 181,000
Hardap 96,000
Kavango 267,000
Khomas 411,000
Kunene 104,000
Ohangwena 294,000
Omaheke 85,000
Omusati 292,000
Oshana 212,000
Oshikoto 218,000
Otjozondjupa 173,000
Zambezi 109,000
Provinces:  13 2,534,000
UN Country Population 2,646,000
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Language Code # Peoples
w/ this Primary
# Unreached
w/ this Primary
Faith Comes
By Hearing
Bible Resources
Jesus Film
Afrikaans afr 2 0 Complete Bible
Chokwe cjk 1 0 Complete Bible
Dhimba dhm 1 0 New Testament
English eng 2 0 Complete Bible
Fwe fwe 1 0 Bible Portions
Gciriku diu 1 0 New Testament
German, Standard deu 1 0 Complete Bible
Haiom hgm 1 0 Translation Started
Herero her 1 0 Complete Bible
Ju'hoan ktz 1 0 New Testament
Kgalagadi xkv 1 0 New Testament
Khoekhoe naq 1 0 Complete Bible
Khwedam xuu 1 0 Bible Portions
Kuhane sbs 1 0 Translation Started
Kung-Ekoka knw 1 0 Bible Portions
Kwambi kwm 1 0 New Testament
Kwangali kwn 1 0 Complete Bible
Lozi loz 1 0 Complete Bible
Luchazi lch 1 0 Complete Bible
Mashi (Zambia) mho 1 0 New Testament
Mbalanhu lnb 1 0 Translation Started
Mbukushu mhw 1 0 New Testament
Namibian Sign Language nbs 1 0 Translation Started
Naro nhr 1 0 New Testament
Ndonga ndo 1 0 Complete Bible
Northwestern Kung vaj 1 0 Translation Started
Nyemba nba 1 0 New Testament
Oshiwambo kua 1 0 Complete Bible
Setswana tsn 1 0 Complete Bible
Taa nmn 1 0 Translation Started
Umbundu umb 1 0 Complete Bible
Yeyi yey 1 0 Bible Portions
Totals: 32 34 0   16 9 16 29 3
Networking Possibilities

Search the Web
There are many agencies and churches looking for additional staff to help them in their mission and calling in Namibia. Internet searches are probably the best way to find these organizations. The following are some example search topics you might try:

  • Church planting agencies in Namibia
  • Christian ministry in Namibia
  • Business as mission
  • Christian literature distribution
  • Evangelism agencies
  • Christian discipleship
  • Short term Christian missions
  • Long term Christian missions
  • Urban ministries
  • Christian media opportunities
  • Bible translation opportunities
  • Relief and development agencies
  • Clean water projects
  • Christian medical outreaches

Namibia Statistics
People Groups 34
Unreached People Groups 0
Population 2,577,000
Population Annual Growth Rate 2.2%
Population in Unreached 0  (0.0%)
Primary Religion Christianity
Percent Christian Adherent 88.6%
Percent Evangelical 12.5%
Pioneer Workers Needed * No unreached peoples in country
Country Progress Level 5
Urbanization 50%
Continent Africa
Region Africa, East and Southern
10/40 Window No
Country Code WA
Official Language(s) EnglishAfrikaans
Literacy Rate 92%
Estimated Illiterate Population 206,000
Persecution Ranking Not ranked
Namibia Maps
Political Map (UN)
Language Map (Ethnologue)
Perry-Castaneda Map Collection