Country: Venezuela

People Groups


People Groups Unreached

3 (4.5%)

People Groups Unreached Frontier

1 (1.5%)



Population in Unreached

34,000 (0.1%)

Population in Unreached Frontier

28,000 (0.1%)

% Evangelical


Progress Level

Progress Gauge
Map Notes

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Photo People Group Population
this Ctry
Indigenous Primary Language Primary
% Christian
% Evangelical Needed
Inga 800 21,000 2 Inga Christianity 70.00 % 3.00 % -
 Italian 137,000 37,587,000 60 Italian Christianity 82.00 % 1.10 % -
 Jamaican 2,800 3,355,000 14 Jamaican English Creole Christianity 83.00 % 28.00 % -
Japreria 100 100 1 Japreria Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 4.00 % -
 Jewish, Spanish-speaking 4,900 290,000 16 Spanish Ethnic Religions 0.50 % 0.10 % 1
Karina 31,000 31,000 1 Carib Christianity 60.00 % 2.00 % -
Maco 1,100 1,100 1 Maco Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 6.00 % -
 Macushi 500 41,000 3 Macushi Ethnic Religions 30.00 % 18.00 % -
Mandahuaca, Bare 2,700 2,700 1 Spanish Christianity 80.00 % 3.00 % -
Mapoyo 400 400 1 Spanish Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 4.00 % -
 Maquiritari, Mayongong 6,300 6,800 2 Maquiritari Christianity 80.00 % 2.00 % -
 Motilone, Bari 3,000 7,100 3 Bari Christianity 70.00 % 32.00 % -
Panare, Eye 4,300 4,300 1 Enapa Woromaipu Christianity 55.00 % 4.00 % -
Paraujano 19,000 19,000 1 Spanish Christianity 80.00 % 1.00 % -
Patamona 300 5,900 3 Patamuna Christianity 70.00 % 3.00 % -
Pemon 27,000 28,000 3 Pemon Christianity 60.00 % 14.00 % -
 Piapoco 3,400 18,000 2 Piapoco Christianity 55.00 % 4.00 % -
Piaroa 18,000 19,000 2 Piaroa Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 3.30 % -
 Polish 8,500 45,098,000 45 Polish Christianity 90.00 % 0.30 % -
 Portuguese 186,000 17,337,000 46 Portuguese Christianity 94.00 % 3.00 % -
Puinave 1,600 11,000 3 Puinave Christianity 60.00 % 0.70 % -
Rio Arauca Guajibo, Playero 200 500 2 Playero Christianity 50.00 % 0.05 % -
 Romanian 1,500 21,564,000 40 Romanian Christianity 97.00 % 5.40 % -
 Russian 4,800 136,151,000 70 Russian Christianity 67.00 % 1.20 % -
Saliba 300 5,200 2 Saliba Christianity 56.00 % 3.00 % -
  Totals:  66 29,283,000           1 ☀︎  3 82.62 % 12.20 %
  Unclassified / Other Individuals 112,000                  
  UN Country Population (2024) 29,395,000                  
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Prayer Cards

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Province Estimated
Amazonas 151,000
Anzoátegui 1,519,000
Apure 474,000
Aragua 1,684,000
Barinas 843,000
Bolívar 1,460,000
Carabobo 2,320,000
Cojedes 334,000
Delta Amacuro 171,000
Dependencias Federales 2,300
Distrito Capital 2,008,000
Falcón 933,000
Guárico 773,000
Lara 1,834,000
Mérida 856,000
Miranda 2,763,000
Monagas 935,000
Nueva Esparta 508,000
Portuguesa 905,000
Sucre 926,000
Táchira 1,208,000
Trujillo 709,000
Vargas 365,000
Yaracuy 621,000
Zulia 3,827,000
Provinces:  25 28,129,000
UN Country Population 29,395,000
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Language Code # Peoples
w/ this Primary
# Unreached
w/ this Primary
Faith Comes
By Hearing
Bible Resources
Jesus Film
Akawaio ake 1 0 New Testament
Arabic, Levantine apc 1 0 Bible Portions
Arawak arw 1 0 Bible Portions
Armenian, Western hyw 1 0 Complete Bible
Baniwa bwi 1 0 New Testament
Bari mot 1 0 Translation Started
Basque eus 1 0 Complete Bible
Carib car 2 0 New Testament
Catalan cat 1 0 Complete Bible
Chaima ciy 1 0 Bible Portions
Cuiba cui 1 1 New Testament
Curripaco kpc 1 0 New Testament
Enapa Woromaipu pbh 1 0 New Testament
English eng 3 0 Complete Bible
French fra 1 0 Complete Bible
German, Colonia Tovar gct 1 0 Unspecified
German, Standard deu 1 0 Complete Bible
Greek ell 1 0 Complete Bible
Guahibo guh 1 0 New Testament
Guarequena gae 1 0 Unspecified
Hodi yau 1 0 Bible Portions
Inga inb 1 0 New Testament
Italian ita 1 0 Complete Bible
Jamaican English Creole jam 1 0 New Testament
Japreria jru 1 0 Translation Needed
Maco wpc 1 0 New Testament
Macushi mbc 1 0 New Testament
Maquiritari mch 1 0 New Testament
Ninam shb 1 0 New Testament
Patamuna pbc 1 0 New Testament
Pemon aoc 1 0 Bible Portions
Piapoco pio 1 0 New Testament
Piaroa pid 1 0 New Testament
Playero gob 1 0 Unspecified
Polish pol 1 0 Complete Bible
Portuguese por 1 0 Complete Bible
Puinave pui 1 0 New Testament
Pume yae 1 0 New Testament
Romanian ron 1 0 Complete Bible
Russian rus 1 0 Complete Bible
Saliba slc 1 0 Unspecified
Sanuma xsu 1 0 New Testament
Spanish spa 13 1 Complete Bible
Turkish tur 1 1 Complete Bible
Ukrainian ukr 1 0 Complete Bible
Venezuelan Sign Language vsl 1 0 Bible Portions
Warao wba 1 0 New Testament
Wayuu guc 1 0 Complete Bible
Yabarana yar 1 0 Unspecified
Yanomamo guu 1 0 New Testament
Yukpa yup 1 0 Bible Portions
Totals: 51 66 3   32 36 31 40 13
Networking Possibilities

Search the Web
There are many agencies and churches looking for additional staff to help them in their mission and calling in Venezuela. Internet searches are probably the best way to find these organizations. The following are some example search topics you might try:

  • Church planting agencies in Venezuela
  • Christian ministry in Venezuela
  • Business as mission
  • Christian literature distribution
  • Evangelism agencies
  • Christian discipleship
  • Short term Christian missions
  • Long term Christian missions
  • Urban ministries
  • Christian media opportunities
  • Bible translation opportunities
  • Relief and development agencies
  • Clean water projects
  • Christian medical outreaches

Venezuela Statistics
People Groups 66
Unreached People Groups 3  (4.5%)
Population 29,283,000
Population Annual Growth Rate 1.3%
Population in Unreached 34,000  (0.1%)
Primary Religion Christianity
Percent Christian Adherent 82.6%
Percent Evangelical 12.2%
Pioneer Workers Needed * 3
Country Progress Level 5
Urbanization 88%
Continent South America
Region America, Latin
10/40 Window No
Country Code VE
Official Language(s) Spanish
Literacy Rate 95%
Estimated Illiterate Population 1,464,000
Persecution Ranking Not ranked