Progress Scale: 5 - Significantly reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

19.1 %



% of World Population

22.8 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
 Pintupi-Luritja Australia 1,200 Pintupi-Luritja Christianity 60.00 % 18.00 %
 Luba-Lulua Angola 84,000 Luba-Kasai Christianity 84.00 % 18.00 %
Lunda, Luapula Zambia 253,000 Bemba Christianity 93.00 % 18.00 %
 Lozi Zimbabwe 166,000 Lozi Christianity 91.00 % 18.00 %
 Pokomo Kenya 120,000 Kipfokomu Islam 25.00 % 18.00 %
Machambe Tanzania 820,000 Machame Christianity 95.00 % 18.00 %
 Lingala, Congolese Rwanda 73,000 Lingala Christianity 96.00 % 18.00 %
 Congolese, general Belgium 24,000 Lingala Christianity 94.00 % 18.00 %
 Lingala Angola 164,000 Lingala Christianity 98.00 % 18.00 %
Konua Papua New Guinea 7,600 Rapoisi Christianity 95.00 % 18.00 %
 Kongo Congo, Democratic Republic of 2,454,000 Koongo Christianity 97.50 % 18.00 %
Kombio Papua New Guinea 5,500 Kombio Christianity 90.00 % 18.00 %
Karawa Papua New Guinea 100 Pouye Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 18.00 %
Kaivi Nigeria 4,600 Kaivi Christianity 55.00 % 18.00 %
Kaba Dunjo, Sara Central African Republic 6,800 Kaba Naa, Sara Ethnic Religions 48.00 % 18.00 %
 Afizere, Izere Nigeria 106,000 Izere Ethnic Religions 32.00 % 18.00 %
Irumu Papua New Guinea 2,200 Tuma-Irumu Christianity 85.00 % 18.00 %
 Mauritian Australia 4,600 Morisyen Christianity 51.00 % 18.00 %
 Ipili, Ipili-Payala Papua New Guinea 49,000 Ipili Christianity 98.00 % 18.00 %
Igana Papua New Guinea 400 Igana Christianity 95.00 % 18.00 %
Hunde, Kobi Congo, Democratic Republic of 756,000 Hunde Christianity 95.00 % 18.00 %
Tepehua, Huehuetla Mexico 5,500 Tepehua, Huehuetla Christianity 71.00 % 18.00 %
 Havu Congo, Democratic Republic of 1,043,000 Havu Christianity 96.00 % 18.00 %
 Guatemalan White Spain 3,900 Spanish Christianity 94.00 % 18.00 %
Gorova Papua New Guinea Unknown Waran Christianity 100.00 % 18.00 %
Totals:  3,294 People Groups   1,842,445,000            

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