Progress Scale: 5 - Significantly reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

19.1 %



% of World Population

22.8 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Ngbundu Congo, Democratic Republic of 54,000 Ngbundu Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
Ngbandi, Southern Congo, Democratic Republic of 308,000 Ngbandi, Southern Christianity 98.00 % 22.00 %
Nete Papua New Guinea 1,300 Nete Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
Neo-Melanesian Papuan United States 1,200 Tok Pisin Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
Mazatec, Jalapa de Diaz Mexico 23,000 Mazatec, Jalapa de Diaz Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
Lohiki, Obi Papua New Guinea 1,900 Akoye Christianity 90.00 % 22.00 %
 Lingala Burundi 2,900 Lingala Christianity 87.50 % 22.00 %
Lengola Congo, Democratic Republic of 225,000 Lengola Christianity 90.00 % 22.00 %
Banda-Langbashe Central African Republic 68,000 Langbashe Christianity 85.00 % 22.00 %
Label Papua New Guinea 500 Label Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
 Lamba Zambia 421,000 Lamba Christianity 94.00 % 22.00 %
Kumukio Papua New Guinea 2,100 Kumukio Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
 Kosraen Nauru 100 Kosraean Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
Kominimung Papua New Guinea 600 Kominimung Christianity 90.00 % 22.00 %
Komba Papua New Guinea 30,000 Komba Christianity 98.00 % 22.00 %
 Koguru Congo, Democratic Republic of 2,400 Boguru Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 22.00 %
 Kwato Papua New Guinea 2,600 Waube Christianity 90.00 % 22.00 %
Kunimaipa Papua New Guinea 14,000 Kunimaipa Christianity 98.00 % 22.00 %
Kasua Papua New Guinea 1,700 Kasua Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
Karkar, Yuri Papua New Guinea 3,000 Karkar-Yuri Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
 Kalokalo Papua New Guinea 2,000 Koluwawa Christianity 85.00 % 22.00 %
 Jamaican Cayman Islands 18,000 English Christianity 75.50 % 22.00 %
Ife Ghana 45,000 Ife Ethnic Religions 39.00 % 22.00 %
 Ibibio Ghana 71,000 Ibibio Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
 Haitian Canada 117,000 Haitian Creole Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
Totals:  3,294 People Groups   1,842,445,000            

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