Progress Scale: 4 - Partially reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 2% and <= 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

22.3 %



% of World Population

24.7 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
 Eurasian Cambodia 14,000 French Christianity 50.00 % 3.00 %
 Ewe Côte d'Ivoire 20,000 Ewe Christianity 75.00 % 5.00 %
 Ewe Liberia 3,800 Ewe Christianity 75.00 % 3.00 %
 Jewish, Ethiopian Israel 83,000 Amharic Ethnic Religions 3.00 % 2.70 %
 Akan-Fante Côte d'Ivoire 29,000 Akan Christianity 60.00 % 3.50 %
 Fijian Hindi Australia 2,900 Fiji Hindi Hinduism 30.00 % 10.00 %
 Fijian Hindi New Zealand 1,800 Fiji Hindi Hinduism 34.00 % 9.00 %
 Finnish Netherlands 2,700 Finnish Christianity 82.00 % 8.00 %
 Flemish Rwanda 4,300 West Flemish Christianity 65.00 % 8.00 %
 Fon Gabon 29,000 Fon Christianity 65.00 % 3.00 %
 Fon Ghana 18,000 Fon Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 3.00 %
 French Indonesia 5,800 French Christianity 80.00 % 4.00 %
 French Nigeria 9,000 French Christianity 66.00 % 6.00 %
 French Togo 7,300 French Christianity 61.00 % 4.50 %
Kresh Sudan 34,000 Gbaya Islam 30.00 % 5.00 %
 Krio, Creole Australia 2,800 Krio Christianity 45.00 % 5.00 %
 Krio, Aku Gambia 21,000 Krio Christianity 70.00 % 7.50 %
 Krio, Creole Guinea 2,900 Krio Christianity 80.00 % 3.00 %
 Krio, Sierra Leonian United Kingdom 19,000 Krio Christianity 75.00 % 5.00 %
 Krio, Creole United States 5,200 Krio Christianity 80.00 % 4.00 %
 Kristang Singapore 25,000 Malaccan Portuguese Creole Christianity 90.00 % 5.00 %
 Kru Guinea 1,300 Klao Christianity 75.00 % 7.00 %
 Kru Sierra Leone 16,000 Klao Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 4.00 %
 Han Chinese, Min Bei China, Hong Kong 67,000 Chinese, Min Bei Ethnic Religions 7.50 % 5.00 %
 Han Chinese, Min Bei Malaysia 431,000 Chinese, Min Bei Ethnic Religions 8.40 % 5.00 %
Totals:  3,842 People Groups   1,997,701,000            

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