Unreached of Day: 2024-6-3

Mamprusi in Ghana

Mamprusi in Ghana

Can you imagine not being able to read and write? Unfortunately, only 15% of the Mamprusi people of West African are literate. The majority of the Mamprusi live in northern Ghana while a smaller population lives in Togo. The Mamprusi practice Islam, heavily influenced by animism and folk religion. Mamprusi children are given both Mamprusi and Muslim names. Most Mamprusi are farmers who grow grains, vegetables and fruit.

Ministry Obstacles

The low literacy rate of the Mamprusi people is a major barrier to the spread of the gospel. Most Mamprusi see Isa (Jesus) as a human prophet, not the Son of God and Savior.

Outreach Ideas

The New Testament is available in the Mamprusi language. Teams of believers can teach the Mamprusi to read and write using the New Testament. The JESUS Film and God's Story video are also available in the Mamprusi language.

Scripture Focus

"May our granaries be full, providing all kinds of produce; may our sheep bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our fields;"  Psalm 144:13a

Scripture Prayer

Pray that physical prosperity will lead this people group to thankfulness to the Lord rather than spiritual apathy.

Prayer Focus

Pray that the tiny number of Mamprusi Christians would grow and be established in the faith. Pray that these believers would share the gospel with their families and neighbors. Pray that the Lord would send literacy teams to the Mamprusi and help them to gain access to the Mamprusi New Testament. Pray that the Lord would raise up many disciples among the Mamprusi in this decade.

Mamprusi in Ghana

People Name: Mamprusi
Country: Ghana
10/40 Window: No
Population: 431,000
World Population: 450,000
Language: Mampruli
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Christian Adherent: 0.84%
Evangelical: 0.20%
Bible: New Testament
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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