Unreached of Day: 2024-6-2

Wala in Ghana

Wala in Ghana

Some experts see the Wala people as being the same group as the Lobi people. Other experts view the Wala as a separate people group. The Wala practice Islam, heavily influenced by folk religion. The majority of Wala people are farmers. Recent interviews with key Wala leaders show that there is a spiritual openness that seems to be developing.

Ministry Obstacles

Islam teaches that Jesus is a human prophet, not the Son of God and Savior. In the past, there have been instances of Wala chasing Christian workers out of their villages. The Wala have been folk Muslims for centuries.

Outreach Ideas

There are many evangelical Christians in Ghana. Ask the Lord to lead some to share the good news of Jesus with the Wala. The New Testament is available in Wali, their heart language. Teams of believers can use the New Testament to teach literacy skills to the Wala.

Scripture Focus

"O LORD, what is man that you regard him, or the son of man that you think of him?"  Psalm 144:3

Scripture Prayer

Thank Him that He not only notices us but loves us as a father loves his children.

Prayer Focus

Pray that the small group of Wala Christians would grow in spiritual maturity and will be united in fellowship. Pray for Christian workers to go to the Wala and pursue conversations about Jesus. Pray for the Lord to raise up many disciples among the Wala in this decade.

Wala in Ghana

People Name: Wala
Country: Ghana
10/40 Window: No
Population: 116,000
World Population: 116,000
Language: Wali (Ghana)
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Christian Adherent: 0.30%
Evangelical: 0.30%
Bible: Complete
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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