Unreached of Day: 2020-1-2

Uregu Berber in Morocco

Uregu Berber in Morocco

The Uregu Berbers are one of the smaller Berber tribes who live in the southeastern part of Morocco. Berber society is primarily made up of farmers and merchants. As with other descendants of Subsaharan Africa, the Uregu Berbers are sometimes marginalized within Moroccan culture. Close knit Berber clans adhere to traditional customs, giving communities a strong sense of identity and loyalty. Most Berbers are Sunni Muslim, but many also believe in the presence of spirits called jinn.

Ministry Obstacles

Berber communities tend to be remote and socially isolated, making evangelism challenging.

Outreach Ideas

Believers can make disciples among the Berbers who have migrated to Moroccan towns and cities. They will be more effective at sharing the gospel in remote Berber communities.

Scripture Focus

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."  Genesis 1:27

Scripture Prayer

Pray that this people group will realize that they were meant to be in God’s image, and they need to change their ways to get back to Him.

Prayer Focus

Ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to the Uregu Berbers. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus through dreams and visions. Pray that tribal leaders and influential persons would receive Jesus and be able to impact the larger community with the gospel. The Berbers proudly call themselves the Amazigh, which means the "free people." Pray that they would discover true freedom through Jesus Christ.

Uregu Berber in Morocco

People Name: Uregu Berber
Pronunciation:oo-RAY-goo BUR-bur
Country: Morocco
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 77,000
World Population: 77,000
Language: Tamazight, Central Atlas
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherent: 0.02%
Evangelical: 0.02%
Bible: Portions
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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