The Fuuta Torro are located in the Fuuta Torro region of northeastern Senegal, West Africa. Senegal is located in Africa's tropical zone. In the Fuuta Torro region, temperatures range from 95 F to 104 F (35 C to 40 C) during the hottest season, and the air is very dry. Large mammals such as elephants, lions and cheetahs are found in the region, as well as warthogs, monkeys and dangerous snakes. The rivers are home to crocodiles, hippos and many species of fish. The Futa Toro region is the richest agricultural district in Senegal because of its two yearly growing seasons.
The Fuuta Torro region has attracted various peoples into its fertile land, and together they make up the Tokolor or Fulbe speaking peoples. The Fuuta Torro are related to the Fulani people and speak a Fulani dialect. Fulani tribes are often grouped and named according to their locations and dialects. This group is semi-nomadic and live in the southern highlands, or jeeri; hence, their language is called Fulbe Jeeri.
Starting around 2000, there has been an increase in the number of West African migrants to the United States. Those from Senegal like the Pulaar Fulanis live mostly in Harlem, Chicago or New Jersey.
The Fuuta Torro are a proud people who teach their children to have dignity. Fulani children are required to respect their elders. They are also taught to strictly hold on to important values such as generosity, honesty and modesty.
The policy of the United States gives preference to immigrants with money, education and certain needed skills. That goes for West Africans like the Fuuta Torro.
As a general rule when West Africans migrate to the US, they form their own ethnic specific neighborhoods. That way they only deal with people from their own language and culture. When their population is big enough, they form their own ethnic group specific mosque.
Virtually all of the Fuuta Torro are Muslims. In Africa, their form of Sunni Islam is tainted by pre-Islamic beliefs in the spirit world. In the United States, they sometimes blend with Sunni Muslims from other parts of the world that hold more tightly to the teachings of the Koran.
The Fuuta Torro, be they in West Africa or the US, need the opportunity to allow Jesus Christ to transform their lives. They have a much better chance of that happening in the US if believers reach out to them.
Ask the Lord to give the Fuuta Torro believers boldness to share Christ with their own people.
Pray that the Fuuta Torro elders will be led to Christ and, in turn, begin leading their families to him.
Ask the Holy Spirit to soften the hearts of the Fuuta Torro towards Christians so that they will be receptive to the gospel.
Ask the Lord to raise up a strong disciple making movement among the African diaspora in the United States.
Scripture Prayers for the Fuuta Torro in United States.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |