Sungai Dusun in Malaysia

The Sungai Dusun have only been reported in Malaysia
Main Language
Largest Religion
Progress Gauge

Introduction / History

Although the census counts them as a single people group there are more than twenty ethnolinguistic people groups under the Dusan banner. The largest of these are the Central Dusun, Coastal Kadazan, Labuk-Kinabatangan Kadazan, Bundu Dusun, Rungus Dusun, Tambunan Dusun, Kimaragang and Tempasuk Dusun. A smaller one is the Sungai Dusan. Although these various people groups are scattered across more than half of their state in the western, northern and central portions, most live in the interior, usually along one of the many rivers rather than in coastal areas.

The Sungai Dusan live in Beluran, Paitan and some places in Pitas district of Sabah. They mostly reside near the river. That's why they are called the Orang Sungai which means the "river people."

What Are Their Lives Like?

Dusan people groups are all primarily agriculturalists with rice growing supplemented by vegetable gardening and animal husbandry. Many have found jobs in the timber industry which has boomed in the last two decades. Village life is usually communal, but those in urban areas tend to be less so. Although many hold on to certain aspects of their culture, the lifestyle of the Sungai Dusan in the urban and developed areas is very different from those in the remote rural areas.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Sungai Dusun were traditionally animists but have been influenced by both Christianity and Islam. Many of those that the government counts as Christians come from a church tradition where any child who is born into a family that calls itself Christian is also considered to be Christian.

Most believe in a supreme creator, but they attribute spirits to many things in nature, such as birds, animals, and plants. Their traditional religion is especially important in the cycle of rice cultivation as well as major events in the cycle of life. Although The "rice spirit," in particular, figures prominently in their beliefs and practices. Some of the Sungai Dusun people groups are noted for their use of bobohizan 'priestesses' for controlling the spirits.

What Are Their Needs?

While many of the Sungai Dusun have experienced the benefits of an improved educational system and the modern economy, those who live in rural areas have not experienced the same level of progress. Those in the mainstream of modernization face different problems than those in rural areas.

For those trusting in traditional religion, whether it is animistic or nominally Christian traditions, the greatest need is for them to put their faith in Jesus Christ rather than the spirits.

Prayer Points

Pray that many Sungai people would believe and have a vital and personal faith.
Pray for many to disciple others, drawing people closer to Jesus Christ.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to direct Dusan pastors and family leaders.
Pray for the Lord to give them an abundant harvest as a testimony of his goodness and power.

Scripture Prayers for the Dusun, Sungai in Malaysia.


Southeast Asia Link, SEALINK, Copyrighted © Used with permission

Profile Source:   Joshua Project  

People Name General Dusun, Sungai
People Name in Country Dusun, Sungai
Natural Name Sungai Dusun
Alternate Names Kadazan; Sungai Dusun
Population this Country 55,000
Population all Countries 55,000
Total Countries 1
Indigenous Yes
Progress Scale 4
Unreached No
Frontier People Group No
GSEC 6  (per
Pioneer Workers Needed
PeopleID3 15123
ROP3 Code 109607
Country Malaysia
Region Asia, Southeast
Continent Asia
10/40 Window Yes
Persecution Rank Not ranked
Location in Country Sabah: West Coast Division, Beaufort, Keningau, Kota Belud, Kota Marudu, Kota Kinabalu, Papar, Penampang, Ranau, Tambunan, and Tenom districts.   Source:  Ethnologue 2016
Country Malaysia
Region Asia, Southeast
Continent Asia
10/40 Window Yes
Persecution Rank Not ranked
Location in Country Sabah: West Coast Division, Beaufort, Keningau, Kota Belud, Kota Marudu, Kota Kinabalu, Papar, Penampang, Ranau, Tambunan, and Tenom districts..   Source:  Ethnologue 2016

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Primary Religion: Christianity
Major Religion Percent
0.00 %
Christianity  (Evangelical 7.00 %)
48.00 %
Ethnic Religions
25.00 %
0.00 %
27.00 %
0.00 %
Other / Small
0.00 %
0.00 %
Primary Language Kadazan Dusun (55,000 speakers)
Language Code dtp   Ethnologue Listing
Language Written Yes   ScriptSource Listing
Total Languages 1
Primary Language Kadazan Dusun (55,000 speakers)
Language Code dtp   Ethnologue Listing
Total Languages 1
People Groups Speaking Kadazan Dusun

Primary Language:  Kadazan Dusun

Bible Translation Status  (Years)
Bible-Portions Yes  (1956-1984)
Bible-New Testament Yes  (1971-1975)
Bible-Complete Yes  (1990-2007)
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Resource Type Resource Name Source
Audio Recordings Audio Bible teaching Global Recordings Network
Audio Recordings Online Audio Scripture Talking Bibles
Film / Video Jesus Film: view in Dusun, Kadazan Jesus Film Project
Film / Video LUMO film of Gospels Bible Media Group/LUMO
Film / Video Story of Jesus for Children Jesus Film Project
Film / Video World Christian Videos World Christian Videos
General Faith Comes By Hearing - Bible in text or audio or video Faith Comes by Hearing
General Faith Comes By Hearing - Bible in text or audio or video Faith Comes by Hearing
General Scripture Earth Gospel resources links Scripture Earth
General Scripture Earth Gospel resources links (Coastal Kadazan) Scripture Earth
General YouVersion Bible versions in text and/or audio YouVersion Bibles
Mobile App Android Bible app: Kadazan Dusun YouVersion Bibles
Mobile App Download audio Bible app as APK file Faith Comes by Hearing
Mobile App Download audio Bible app as APK file Faith Comes by Hearing
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Mobile App Download audio Bible app from Google Play Store Faith Comes by Hearing
Mobile App iOS Bible app: Kadazan Dusun YouVersion Bibles
Photo Source  Used with permission
Profile Source Joshua Project 
Data Sources Data is compiled from various sources. Learn more.