Religion: Christianity What is Primary Religion?

Population of Adherents


% of World Population

31.2 %

People Groups


Unreached Groups

0 (0.0 %)

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Est. Workers
Needed *
Koiwat Papua New Guinea 1,400 Koiwat Christianity 85.00 % 20.00 % Translation Needed -
 Kongo Congo, Republic of the 30,000 Koongo Christianity 92.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
 Korean American Samoa 400 Korean Christianity 35.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
 Korean Brazil 48,000 Korean Christianity 55.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
Koromira Papua New Guinea 4,300 Koromira Christianity 90.00 % 20.00 % Translation Needed -
 Akan-Kwawu Ghana 604,000 Akan Christianity 85.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
Kwese, Pindi Congo, Democratic Republic of 133,000 Kwese Christianity 98.00 % 20.00 % Bible Portions -
Lamogai Papua New Guinea 9,000 Lamogai Christianity 95.00 % 20.00 % New Testament -
Lega, Shabunda Rega Congo, Democratic Republic of 1,428,000 Lega-Shabunda Christianity 92.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
Lihir Papua New Guinea 25,000 Lihir Christianity 99.00 % 20.00 % Bible Portions -
Lindrou, Nyindrou Papua New Guinea 10,000 Nyindrou Christianity 95.00 % 20.00 % New Testament -
 Lingala United Kingdom 4,900 Lingala Christianity 92.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
Nass-Gitksian Canada 5,800 Nisga'a Christianity 96.00 % 20.00 % Bible Portions -
 Nfumte Cameroon 81,000 Mfumte Christianity 75.00 % 20.00 % Translation Started -
 Lunda, Ndembu Angola 21,000 Lunda Christianity 94.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
Ngaing Papua New Guinea 4,000 Ngaing Christianity 90.00 % 20.00 % Bible Portions -
 Nimo Papua New Guinea 800 Nimo Christianity 90.00 % 20.00 % New Testament -
Manchineri Brazil 1,000 Machinere Christianity 79.80 % 20.00 % New Testament -
Manam, Sepa Papua New Guinea 15,000 Manam Christianity 98.00 % 20.00 % New Testament -
Mangbai Cameroon 15,000 Mambai Christianity 55.00 % 20.00 % Bible Portions -
Mangbetu, Amangbetu Congo, Democratic Republic of 2,066,000 Mangbetu Christianity 98.00 % 20.00 % Bible Portions -
Mango Chad 116,000 Mango Christianity 70.00 % 20.00 % New Testament -
 Maori, New Zealander United States 700 Maori Christianity 70.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
Maung, Managari Australia 400 Maung Christianity 70.00 % 20.00 % Bible Portions -
 Mayo Mexico 177,000 Mayo Christianity 96.00 % 20.00 % New Testament -
Totals: 7,135 Peoples   2,517,828,000     0       0
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