Unreached of Day: 2024-9-9

Rakhine in Myanmar (Burma)

Rakhine in Myanmar (Burma)

Centuries ago, the most feared pirates and sailors in the Bay of Bengal terrorized communities along the seacoast and far up the river channels of what is now Bangladesh. They were called "maghs" or pirates. They now speak the Arakanese language, and are known as the Arakanese or Rakhine, from the Arakan region of Myanmar. The people themselves dislike the term "Magh" and prefer to be called Marmas, which means "Burmese."

Ministry Obstacles

The devout, animistic and Buddhist traditions of this people have made them unreceptive to the gospel in the past.

Outreach Ideas

Stories from Scripture may communicate effectively to this group. Trained storytellers can use the JESUS film and other stories to share the gospel.

Scripture Focus

"Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests."  Matthew 22:9-10

Scripture Prayer

Pray that many in today’s people group to accept the Lord’s invitation to become part of His kingdom and join His great feast at the end of the age.

Prayer Focus

Pray for the few believers among this people and for pastors to teach the Scriptures accurately and faithfully to them. Pray for them to grow in the admonition of the Lord. Pray for educational opportunities for the youth and for employment opportunities for families. Pray for a movement to Christ this decade.

Rakhine in Myanmar (Burma)

People Name: Rakhine
Country: Myanmar (Burma)
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 2,598,000
World Population: 2,618,000
Language: Rakhine
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Christian Adherent: 0.10%
Evangelical: 0.05%
Bible: Portions
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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