Unreached of Day: 2022-4-16

Yadu Qiang in China

Yadu Qiang in China

The Yadu Qiang are a Tibetan Buddhist people who live approximately 800 kilometers east of the Tibetan border in Sichuan Province, China. They make their living raising sheep and selling apples. Embroidery is a favorite pastime of the women, and women have the final say in family decisions. Newly married couples live with the bride's family. Their Buddhism is mixed with folk religion and ancestor worship. Prayer flags and prayer wheels are two of the common Buddhist symbols they have borrowed from their fellow Tibetans.

Ministry Obstacles

At present there are no scriptural resources available in the Northern Qiang language. The Yadu Qiang live in remote mountainous areas apart from Chinese believers, so that makes them hard to reach for Christ.

Outreach Ideas

Believers from a Tibetan Buddhist background can build friendships with the Yadu and help them with their farming techniques and animal husbandry. The Yadu would benefit from the introduction of modern medicine.

Scripture Focus

"When the earth totters, and all its inhabitants, it is I who keep steady its pillars. Selah"  Psalm 75:3

Scripture Prayer

Pray that many from today’s people group will allow Him to be their firm foundation in times of trouble.

Prayer Focus

Pray that any group of Yadu believers would grow in numbers and spiritual maturity. Pray that the Scriptures would become available in the Yadu's language. Pray that a movement to Christ would begin and flourish among the Yadu Qiang.

Yadu Qiang in China

People Name: Yadu Qiang
Pronunciation:YAH-doo chee-UNG
Country: China
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 39,000
World Population: 39,000
Language: Qiang, Northern
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Christian Adherent: 0.01%
Evangelical: 0.01%
Bible: Unspecified
Online Audio NT: No
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: No
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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