Unreached of Day: 2020-1-5

Batlukh-Gid in Russia

Batlukh-Gid in Russia

Batlukh-Gid communities are powered by women and depend on them to care for the home, harvest and animals while the men take care of plowing, sowing, security and travel. Male and female responsibilities are strictly divided and they frown upon any crossover. "The Village Where a Man Milked a Cow" was named to illustrate the public disgrace given to a man who performs a woman's job.

Ministry Obstacles

Speakers of the Batlukh and Gid languages live in the mountainous regions of Dagestan and they are separated by a river. An arduous trek for Christ's ambassadors is most likely involved to reach these people who have been fiercely Muslim for hundreds of years.

Outreach Ideas

The Lord Jesus broke the traditions of his day by speaking openly with women outside of his family, some with tainted histories. He offered them "living water" and taught them to serve their families with skill and energy. Those who go in the name of Christ must be culturally sensitive to the needs of the Batlukh-Gid women. Stories of Jesus can be a great way to get through to these people.

Scripture Focus

"The LORD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him."  Exodus 15:2

Scripture Prayer

Pray that members of today’s people group will look to the Lord alone for strength and victory.

Prayer Focus

Pray that the Lord would prepare Batlukh-Gid men and women to hear the gospel. Pray for a Disciple Making Movement to spread far and wide among the Batlukh/Gid People of Russia.

Batlukh-Gid in Russia

People Name: Batlukh-Gid
Pronunciation:BAHT-look geed
Country: Russia
10/40 Window: No
Population: 31,000
World Population: 31,000
Language: Avar
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherent: 0.00%
Evangelical: 0.00%
Bible: New Testament
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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