Ratal in India

The Ratal have only been reported in India
Main Language
Largest Religion
Progress Gauge
* Data can be from various sources including official census, agencies, and local research. Data from these sources can sometimes differ even by orders of magnitude. Joshua Project attempts to present a conservative, balanced estimate.

Introduction / History

The Rattal are a Hindu scheduled caste in Kashmir. They were traditionally the one who removed dead animals from villages and skinned cattle for leather. By working with "dead" materials, they were given low status in Hindu society. They don’t have social divisions.

What Are Their Lives Like?

They were traditionally animal skinners, but most now work in agriculture. At one time there was a land reform program that helped them own small plots of land. If the land wasn’t productive, they would become day laborers on other people’s farms. Others are weavers or small shop owners. A very few have government jobs. It is common for their children to work as domestic helpers.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Rattal people practice Hinduism, the ancient religion of India. Hinduism is a catch-all phrase for the local religions of South Asia, so it is very diverse. At the popular level, Hindus worship and serve the gods of the Hindu pantheon. They visit Hindu temples and offer prayers, food, flowers, and incense to their gods in hopes of gaining protection and benefits. They do not have a personal or familial relationship with their gods like Christians or Jews. There are other Hindus who are much more philosophical, especially among the Brahmins.

Almost all Hindus participate in yearly celebrations like Holi, the festival of colors and the start of spring / Diwali, the festival of lights / Navratri, the celebration of autumn / and Rama Navami, Rama’s birthday.

What Are Their Needs?

Like all other peoples of the world, this people group needs the blessings and guidance that only Jesus Christ can offer.

Prayer Points

Pray for the Lord to bless this community economically and spiritually.

Ask God to raise up Rattal who are more desirous to know the truth than to stay on the broad road.

Ask God to send loving, committed workers to the Rattal in the near future.

Pray the Rattal would no longer be hidden away from the influence of Christ.

Pray for many of them to make disciples who will make even more disciples.

Scripture Prayers for the Ratal in India.


People of India, Vol 25. K.S. Singh. 2013

Profile Source:   Joshua Project  

People Name General Ratal
People Name in Country Ratal
Alternate Names Rattal; रताल
Population this Country 4,200
Population all Countries 4,200
Total Countries 1
Indigenous Yes
Progress Scale 1
Unreached Yes
Frontier People Group Yes
GSEC 1  (per PeopleGroups.org)
Pioneer Workers Needed 1
People ID 17946
ROP3 Code 113434
ROP25 Code 306957
ROP25 Name Ratal
Country India
Region Asia, South
Continent Asia
10/40 Window Yes
National Bible Society Website
Persecution Rank 11  (Open Doors top 50 rank, 1 = highest persecution ranking)
Total States on file 4
Largest States
Jammu and Kashmir
Himachal Pradesh
Districts Interactive map, listing and data download
Specialized Website South Asia Peoples
Country India
Region Asia, South
Continent Asia
10/40 Window Yes
National Bible Society Website
Persecution Rank 11  (Open Doors top 50 rank, 1 = highest persecution ranking)
Total States 4
  Jammu and Kashmir 4,000
  Delhi 100
  Himachal Pradesh 60
  Uttarakhand 10
Website South Asia Peoples
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Major Religion Percent *
0.06 %
Christianity  (Evangelical 0.00 %)
0.00 %
Ethnic Religions
0.00 %
98.67 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
Other / Small
1.27 %
0.00 %
* From latest India census data.
Current Christian values may substantially differ.
Primary Language Dogri (2,100 speakers)
Language Code dgo   Ethnologue Listing
Language Written Yes   ScriptSource Listing
Total Languages 3
Secondary Languages
Primary Language Dogri (2,100 speakers)
Language Code dgo   Ethnologue Listing
Total Languages 3
Secondary Languages
  Kashmiri 800
  Hindi 600
People Groups Speaking Dogri
Map Source People Group data: Omid. Map geography: UNESCO / GMI. Map Design: Joshua Project  
Profile Source Joshua Project 
Data Sources Data is compiled from various sources. Learn more.

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