There are Deaf found in every segment of the population. There is only one sign language, but there are some dialectal differences. The number of schools for Deaf children is not known, but children, including the Deaf have the opportunity to attend 18 years of schooling: kindergarten 2 years, elementary 6 years, middle school 3 years, high school 3 years, university 4 years. The kindergarten children (ages 4-5 years) live at home, but older children can stay in the dormitory (ages 6- 19), if the distance to school is too great. The school teachers emphasize oralism in the elementary classes. After 12 years of age sign language is used with continuing oral education. After high school many of the Deaf go on to Vocational School. There are a few interpreters to help them. About 30 Korean Deaf have gone to Gallaudet University.
Scripture Prayers for the Deaf in Korea, South.
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