Some Lebanese consider themselves Arabs while others associate themselves with the ancient Phoenicians. Both groups have made their mark on world history through trade and power. Others consider the Lebanese to be Levantine Arabs, referring to those who originated in Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine or Syria. Some also include Arabs from Egypt, Iraq and Turkey.
There was a mass migration of Lebanese who left Lebanon in the 1840s for various places including New Zealand. An even larger number left Lebanon for New Zealand in the 1890s.
They are now the largest non-English speaking minority in New Zealand, though most now speak English. Only some of them still speak Arabic instead of English.
The Lebanese have their own special events and celebrations in New Zealand. They tend to be businessmen.
Most of the Christian Lebanese Arabs in New Zealand are Maronite Catholics and Greek Orthodox. Most of the rest are either Sunni or Shia Muslims.
Whether they are Muslim or traditional Christian, the Lebanese Arabs in New Zealand need to put their hope and trust in Jesus Christ. They need the infilling of the Holy Spirit and the willingness to obey Christ so they can experience abundant life.
Pray for their traditional Muslim and Christian cultures to soften, creating open doors for the gospel to spread far and wide among them.
Pray for their fellowships to be Christ centered rather than tradition centered.
Pray there will soon come a day when the Lebanese people will send loving workers to unreached people groups in the Middle East and Europe.
Pray for spiritual hunger and a discernment that will keep them away from spiritual counterfeits.
Scripture Prayers for the Arab, Lebanese in New Zealand.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |