Religion: Christianity What is Primary Religion?

Population of Adherents


% of World Population

31.2 %

People Groups


Unreached Groups

0 (0.0 %)

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Est. Workers
Needed *
 Lamba Zambia 421,000 Lamba Christianity 94.00 % 22.00 % Complete Bible -
Lamba-Lima Zambia 4,800 Lamba Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 % Complete Bible -
 Lambya, Rambia Tanzania 129,000 Lambya Christianity 97.00 % 13.00 % New Testament -
 Lambya, Rambia Zambia 21,000 Lambya Christianity 97.00 % 13.00 % New Testament -
 Lamenu Vanuatu 1,500 Lamenu Christianity 94.00 % 45.00 % Bible Portions -
Lamogai Papua New Guinea 9,000 Lamogai Christianity 95.00 % 20.00 % New Testament -
Langalanga Solomon Islands 13,000 Wala Christianity 95.00 % 35.00 % New Testament -
 Lango Uganda 2,964,000 Lango (Uganda) Christianity 95.00 % 42.00 % Complete Bible -
Larevat Vanuatu 1,200 Larevat Christianity 96.00 % 44.00 % Translation Needed -
 Lashi, Letsi Myanmar (Burma) 34,000 Lacid Christianity 90.00 % 65.00 % Complete Bible -
Latin American Branco Bolivia 12,000 Portuguese Christianity 99.00 % 16.00 % Complete Bible -
 Latin American, general Aruba 12,000 Spanish Christianity 98.00 % 10.91 % Complete Bible -
 Latin American, general Canada 307,000 Spanish Christianity 91.70 % 15.00 % Complete Bible -
 Latin American, general Cayman Islands 2,800 Spanish Christianity 94.50 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
 Latin American, general Suriname 3,000 Spanish Christianity 90.00 % 14.00 % Complete Bible -
 Latin American, general New Zealand 8,700 Spanish Christianity 91.70 % 15.00 % Complete Bible -
 Latvian Australia 3,300 Latvian, Standard Christianity 99.00 % 50.00 % Complete Bible -
 Latvian Latvia 1,123,000 Latvian, Standard Christianity 56.00 % 10.88 % Complete Bible -
Lau, Ndai Solomon Islands 31,000 Lau Christianity 95.00 % 30.00 % New Testament -
Lauan Fiji 23,000 Lauan Christianity 97.00 % 28.00 % Bible Portions -
Lavatbura-Lamusong, Ugana Papua New Guinea 5,500 Lavatbura-Lamusong Christianity 95.00 % 13.00 % Translation Started -
Lavongai Papua New Guinea 35,000 Tungag Christianity 99.00 % 16.00 % New Testament -
Lega, Shabunda Rega Congo, Democratic Republic of 1,428,000 Lega-Shabunda Christianity 92.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
Lehali, Teqel Vanuatu 200 Lehali Christianity 100.00 % 46.00 % Translation Needed -
Lehalurup Vanuatu 300 Loyop Christianity 100.00 % 45.00 % Translation Needed -
Totals: 7,135 Peoples   2,517,828,000     0       0
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