The persecution of Jews in Spain rose to deadly levels with the Massacre of 1391 and continued with the Spanish Inquisition. After 1492, there were officially no Jews left in Spain. Anusim refers to a legal category of Jews who have been forced to leave Judaism and convert to another religion. It literally means “coerced ones.” Crypto-Jews publicly profess religious faiths other than Judaism (such as Catholicism), allowing them to live safely while privately adhering to their Jewish practices. The Crypto-Jews living in Spain today lead a secret life.
Crypto-Jews in Spain are spiritually confused, conflicted and frustrated. They follow cultural and religious expectations to avoid persecution and hide their true identity. Many have slowly, through generations of societal pressure, abandoned their Jewish roots. Others fearfully continue to follow their Jewish heritage in fear and shame. Being Jewish is not acceptable.
Traditional Jews see Abraham as the father of their faith and Moses as the great lawgiver. The Law (Torah), Prophets, and Writings comprise the Jewish holy scriptures. Judaism is a moral, monotheistic religion. Jews obtain favor with God by obeying the laws found in the scriptures. The writings of the Rabbis (the Talmud) are seen as an essential guide to knowing and following the commands of God.
Jewish people are a diverse population and fall into at least four major groups: Orthodox (the strictest), Reformed (liberal), Conservative (moderate), and non-religious or secular Jews.
Crypto-Jews in Spain need to hear and understand the clear, liberating message of the gospel: that religious practice is not how God relates to us. He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to set us free from the bondage of religion and sin.
Ask the Lord of the harvest to send loving Christians to work among the Jewish communities in Spain, proclaiming the good news of Christ.
Pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of this community and give them a hunger for a true relationship with Jesus.
Pray for the Crypto-Jews of Spain to understand that Jesus is their long-awaited Messiah.
Pray for their families to reach other families and for new disciples to share their faith with others.
Scripture Prayers for the Anusim, Crypto-Jewish in Spain.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |