Of all the Hindi speakers outside India, the majority live in the neighboring countries of Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, Nepal and Afghanistan. There is also a small Hindi community in Panama. Most came in the 1800s along with other South Asians to work on the railroad. As is common among most migratory Indian groups, the Hindi speakers have tended to congregate where there are other Hindi speakers.
The term "Hindi" does not adequately describe the ethnic and social complexity of these people since it is merely a language distinction. In reality, the Hindi-speaking Indians are a collection of ethnic and social groups. They not only speak a common language but also have a sense of "group identity" based on cultural and historical factors, including a Hindu-Muslim rivalry in religious traditions.
It is usually the higher castes and educated Hindi-speaking people who leave India and migrate to other countries. These people now hold a wide variety of occupations. While most have retained various aspects of the Hindi culture, they have also come under Western influence in many areas.
In Panama and other Latin American countries, Hindi speakers have set up Indian spice shops, video stores and small commercial businesses. Diaspora Hindi speakers are becoming more Westernized. Today, many drink wine and eat every kind of meat except beef. Also, Hindu women have the right to divorce and remarry.
The majority of the Hindi speakers practice Hinduism which is considered more a lifestyle than a religion. Hindus worship a pantheon of gods that are both good and evil. They believe that sacrifices and offerings must be made to the gods regularly to appease them and avoid calamity.
Hinduism is a catch-all phrase for the local religions of South Asia, so it is very diverse. At the popular level, Hindus worship and serve the gods of the Hindu pantheon. They visit Hindu temples and offer prayers, food, flowers, and incense to their gods in hopes of gaining protection and benefits. They do not have a personal or familial relationship with their gods like Christians or Jews. There are other Hindus who are much more philosophical, especially among the Brahmins.
Hindi speakers in Panama have an excellent opportunity to respond to the gospel with less community interference. Panama is largely Roman Catholic but there is also a sizable Evangelical minority. For that reason, Panama is one of the few countries where many Hindi speaking Christ followers.
Ask the Lord to raise up dedicated people who are willing to live among the Hindi and share Christ's love with them.
Pray for the effectiveness of the JESUS Film and other Christian resources among the Hindi in Panama.
Ask God to raise up Christian merchants and businessmen to share the gospel with the Hindi in Panama.
Ask the Lord to establish strong fellowships of believers that will plant other fellowships.
Scripture Prayers for the Hindi, Indian in Panama.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |