Volunteer as a Social Media Manager

We want to learn, we want to share and we want to discuss. Social media is helping us do that globally and instantly. Like never before, we have collaborative tools that can help God’s people understand the need for the gospel to get to every people group.

Ideas to present on social media:

  • God’s plan and purpose in all of history and in all of Scripture.
  • The rich diversity of the people groups God has created for his glory.
  • The gaps in missions today - where there is little access or response to the gospel.
  • Missions concepts and trends that are helping God’s children share the good news with those who are out of its reach currently.

You can help us create content, catalyze conversations and inspire prayer and action that will ensure that no people group gets left behind.

Skills needed:

  • Familarity and experience with social media tools.
  • Creativity in graphic design and wording style.
  • The ability to communicate boldly and graciously is imperative.
  • Audience sensitivity.

Too often, people groups are passed over because attention is given elsewhere. You will have the opportunity to turn hearts in the direction of God’s heart and his passion for the unreached. You can spark a conversation that can grow exponentially beyond initial posts and content.

Contact us to join the team impacting a new generation with God’s missionary heart.