Sunuwar in Nepal

Map Source:  People Group data: Omid. Map geography: UNESCO / GMI. Map Design: Joshua Project.
People Name: Sunuwar
Country: Nepal
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 65,000
World Population: 160,000
Primary Language: Sunwar
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Christian Adherents: 2.60 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: South Asia Hindu - other
Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Sunuwar or Sunwar are Hindus who live in Nepal and India. They speak Sunuwar or Nepali. They live in the eastern hills of Nepal.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Most of the Sunuwar work in agriculture, mainly crop growing and with cattle. The educated among them often go abroad due to limited opportunities in Nepal. A few of them work in government service. The Sunuwar have their own cultures and have many festivals. They wear traditional costumes. Some are in the military.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Sunuwar people are Hindus. Hindus are highly unlikely to accept the idea that there is only one way to God or one savior whom we all need to embrace. However, there are some Christians among them both in Indid and Nepal.

What Are Their Needs?

The Sunuwar people need adequate and localized medical care.

Prayer Points

Pray that God will give the Sunuwar dreams and visions leading them to Jesus Christ.
Pray for a spiritual hunger that will open their hearts to the King of kings.
Pray for Sunuwar disciples who will make more disciples.
Pray that Nepali Christians will help Sunuwar families to the only savior.

Text Source:   Joshua Project