Kachhi (Hindu traditions) in India

Kachhi (Hindu traditions)
Photo Source:  Anonymous 
Map Source:  People Group Location: Omid. Other geography / data: GMI. Map Design: Joshua Project
People Name: Kachhi (Hindu traditions)
Country: India
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 5,616,000
World Population: 5,616,000
Primary Language: Hindi
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Christian Adherents: 0.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: South Asia Hindu - other
Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Kachhi people are a part of the largest people cluster in India, the Hindi. Depending on the region, the Kachhi claim a variety of different origins. According to the Uttar Pradesh state Kachhi, they are the descendants of King Ikshavaku from the south of Nepal. However the Kachhi in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Delhi claim ancestry in Kush (the son of one of Vishnu's incarnations, Rama). These Kachhi also see a link between them and the Kacchwaha Rajputs.

Where Are they Located?

The Kachhi are found throughout the Central and Northern states, namely Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Chhatisgarh, Odisha, Gujarat, Uttarakhand and Bihar. There are also a small number of Kachhi in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

What Are Their Lives Like?

The Kachhi are traditionally agrarian workers, growing crops including wheat, gram and lentils. Economically speaking, their main resource is their land due to their agrarian lifestyle. However, in regions like Delhi where the Kachhi are mostly small business owners. Their industries range from selling vegetables, book binding, manufacturing plastic toys or electrical parts. Some have made careers in the government or in private sector roles such as medicine or engineering.

Education is given to both male and female Kachhi, however continued study is not encouraged for women. In states where their numbers are highest, literacy levels are also quite low.

The diet is traditionally vegetarian (which reflects both their Hindu background and agrarian lifestyle). However as Hindu nominalism creeps in more roles are taken in the business sector, their diet is now occasionally including meat.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Kachhi are almost entirely Hindu. A very small minority are Buddhist or adhere to some other local traditions.

The Kachhi Hindu's predominantly worship Hanuman, Rama, Krishna Shiva, Kali and Durga. They celebrate the various major Hindu festivals and practice rituals of cremation, preferring to spread them in the Ganges River.

In the cities, many of the younger Hindu Kachhi are becoming more and more nominal. In Gujarat some have started to adopt Muslim concepts and festivals like Ramadan

The small number of Buddhists Kachhi live in Uttar Pradesh.

What Are Their Needs?

It is unclear whether there are any Christians among the 6 million Kachhi. Their deep roots in Hinduism have long made in difficult to evangelise them. However, with growing nominalism towards Hinduism, the gospel is facing a unique opportunity to share the life saving news with this people.

There is, however, little or no active witness to the Kachhi. They are geographically and linguistically linked to many nearby peoples, so there is opportunity!

Prayer Points

1. Pray that God would continue to open up doors for the gospel to be shared with the Kachhi
2. Thank God for his generosity in opening up an interest in "new ideas" among many younger Kachhi.
3. Pray that the Spirit will be working in many Kachhi and cause them to seek out the truth.
4. Pray that many Christians will seek opportunities to mission to this people.

Text Source:   Anonymous