Chhetri in Bhutan

Map Source:  People Group Location: Omid. Other geography / data: GMI. Map Design: Joshua Project
People Name: Chhetri
Country: Bhutan
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 4,300
World Population: 5,407,300
Primary Language: Nepali
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Christian Adherents: 0.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: South Asia Hindu - other
Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The name Chettri is based on the word warrior. At one time they migrated to India from Nepal, though many still live in Nepal. A smaller number live in Bhutan. Those in Nepal and Bhutan speak Nepali.

Most Nepalese speaking Chhetri live in small villages in hilly terrain and are accustomed to traveling long distances on foot. They are known for their cheerfulness, good humor, resourcefulness and self-confidence.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Most Chhetri are farmers. They live in small rural settlements that are situated near rivers or springs. The villages consist of loosely grouped homes surrounded by farmland. Only the poorest families do not own land. They grow wet rice during the monsoon season; dry rice, maize, millet and wheat are raised on drier land during the summer and winter months. They also cultivate vegetable gardens to feed their families. Most Chhetri farmers raise buffalo and goats for meat and cows for milk.

Chhetri villages consist of loosely grouped homes surrounded by farmland. The villages are generally situated near rivers or springs, and the homes are connected by footpaths. Sometimes the paths meet near a large tree that is used as a meeting place for the villagers, as well as a resting place for travelers. There are also several larger towns where the important temples or monasteries are located.

Chhetri houses are usually made of mudbrick with thatch or tin roofs. The bottom portions of the houses are painted with red clay, and the top halves are whitewashed. Most houses have two or more stories. The kitchen and living quarters are often located upstairs to keep them free of pollution by stray animals that might wander into the house. Most houses have porches and courtyards where people socialize and do crafts such as weaving.

Chhetri children, whether born to landowners or to servants, are treated well. Breast-feeding may continue until a child is three years old. There are many rites of passage for children, such as the first rice feeding and the first haircut. Also, girls go through puberty rites and boys go through initiations known as "sacred thread ceremonies." When they are about eight years old, the children begin doing domestic chores. Girls help care for the younger children, carry food for the animals and haul water. Boys usually tend to the animals.

Chhetri girls were traditionally married before they reached the age of ten. Now, they usually marry later, but still do not begin living with their husbands until they have matured.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Chhetri worship a pantheon of gods, most of which are associated with Hinduism. They have held onto their traditional animistic beliefs (a belief that non-human objects have spirits). They recognize local gods, goblins and spirits. They also believe in ghosts and demons that haunt the crossroads and rivers. They make offerings to these spirits to appease them.

What Are Their Needs?

Very few of Chhetri know Jesus, be they in Bhutan, India or Nepal. Christianity is looked at as a "foreigners" religion. New believers are considered off limits, the community you do not mix with. Prayer is the key to reaching the Chhetri with the gospel.

Prayer Points

Pray for the Holy Spirit to make major inroads into Chhetri families in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
Pray for Nepali Christ followers to go to the Chhetri people in their midst.
Pray for Chhetri family heads to have dreams and visions of the risen and victorious Christ.

Text Source:   Joshua Project