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People Name: | Udin |
Country: | Armenia |
10/40 Window: | No |
Population: | 200 |
World Population: | 12,900 |
Primary Language: | Udi |
Primary Religion: | Christianity |
Christian Adherents: | 90.00 % |
Evangelicals: | 2.00 % |
Scripture: | Unspecified |
Ministry Resources: | Yes |
Jesus Film: | No |
Audio Recordings: | Yes |
People Cluster: | Caucasus |
Affinity Bloc: | Eurasian Peoples |
Progress Level: |
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On the left-bank tributaries of the Turianchai River there is a village of Nidzh whose outskirts are smothered in fruit and walnut orchards. Nidzh and its suburbs are inhabited by the Udin (or Udi, Uti as they call themselves), the representatives of a small, but ancient people having its own language. Nidzh is surrounded by vast virgin leaf forests with many birds. Scientists believe the Udin to be the descendants of the Caucasian Albanians.
The Uddin written language had not been established until the twentieth century. For their literary language, the Udin used the Azerbaijanian, Georgian, Armenian, and Russian languages.
The main Udin occupations are farming, horticulture, and cattle production. Some Udin people work in industries. Vodka making and raising nuts and pigs are common industries. The Udin people are famous for making tasty honey.
Udin are officially Christian, both Orthodox and Georgian.
The Udin people need a spiritual revival that will bless them physically, economically and spiritually.
Pray for a Holy Spirit driven revival that will bless the Udin people in such a way that others will want the blessing as well.
Ask God to give them receptivity to the message of Christ's atoning death for sin which makes forgiveness possible.
Pray for Udin disciples to make other disciples.