Tatar, Shorian in Russia

Tatar, Shorian
Photo Source:  Anonymous 
People Name: Tatar, Shorian
Country: Russia
10/40 Window: No
Population: 10,000
World Population: 10,800
Primary Language: Shor
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Christian Adherents: 30.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.50 %
Scripture: Portions
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: No
People Cluster: Ural-Siberian
Affinity Bloc: Turkic Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Shorian Tatars are an indigenous Turkic people who live in southwestern Siberia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The Mongols conquered the region in the 13th century and the Tatar people adopted many aspects of the Mongol culture. A century later Islam came to the Tartars and most of them converted. The Russian Empire took over southwestern Siberia in the late 16th century. The Shors were forced to pay a tax in animal furs. Until that time the Shors' ability to smelt iron and make iron tools made them valuable to the Mongols. The European Russians came into the area with their better techniques of producing iron. The Shorians went back to fishing, hunting and trapping as their chief means of making a living. The 1917 Russian Revolution brought major changes to the Shorians. The Shorians were taken off their traditional lands and forced to become coal miners. Many died and others abused alcohol. Tribal chiefs and shamans were executed or worked to death. The Shors were made to speak Russian and hindered from practicing their religion of Islam and shamanism.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Since the 1990s the Shorian Tatars have seen a revival of their culture. They were free again to speak their language, consult their shamans, elect their tribal chiefs and engage in Muslim practices. The land of the Shorian Tatars is rich with iron ore, coal and gold. Unfortunately, the mining has brought industrial scale pollution to the land, rivers and air. The Shorians have not reaped the benefits of their land's resources. Some still work as in miners but the mines are owned by others. Many Shorians have become "Russified." Many speak Russian, live in Russian cities and are no longer know or speak the Shorian language. Outside of the urban areas many Shorians retain their language and many parts of their traditional culture. On feast days they recite epic Tatar poems, dance and sing songs about their gods and heroes. Villages elect their chief and make judicial decisions. Throat singing is an ancient musical practice.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Most of the Shorians claim to be Sunni Muslims. Their Islam is heavily influenced by folk religion and shamanism. The Shorians have their own creation myths that they believed before becoming Muslims. The mixture of beliefs continues today. During the time of the Russian Empire some Shorians were forced to convert to Russian Orthodox Christianity. This action has left a bad feeling towards Christianity as a religion only for European Russians, not themselves.

What Are Their Needs?

The Shorians need to hear a clear presentation of the good news about Jesus Christ. Isa or Jesus is more than a human prophet. The Shorians would benefit by learning new job skills so they can improve their place in society. The Shorians would appreciate anyone who comes to them and values their language and culture.

Prayer Points

Pray the New Testament would be translated into the Shorian Tartar language. Pray for a hunger for spiritual truth to come to the Shorian leaders and heads of households. Pray the Lord sends workers to the Shorian Tartars to tell them about the Lord and His grace. Ask the Lord to raise up a Disciple Making Movement among the Shorian Tartars of Russia in this decade.

Text Source:   Joshua Project