Jewish, Estonian in Estonia

Jewish, Estonian
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People Name: Jewish, Estonian
Country: Estonia
10/40 Window: No
Population: 1,900
World Population: 794,400
Primary Language: Yiddish, Eastern
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Christian Adherents: 0.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Jewish
Affinity Bloc: Jewish
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Jews of Europe arrived on the continent at least 2,000 years ago during the days of the Roman Empire. Since then, they have been a significant influence on the history and culture of Europe. Much of what is considered "Jewish" today finds its roots among the European Jews.

Yiddish is a German dialect that has Hebrew and Slavic elements. It has two major dialects and some smaller ones. Western Yiddish is the language of those who have some roots in Germany and Central Europe. Eastern Yiddish is the language of Russia, and Eastern European countries like Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, etc. The number of Estonian Jewish people is low.

What Are Their Lives Like?

As a result of the Holocaust, thousands of Jewish survivors and their descendants have emigrated from Eastern Europe to Israel, the United States, or Western Europe. The memories of the Holocaust as well as the centuries of discrimination and persecution play a strong part in modern Jewish identity.

The Jewish emigration from Estonia is cause for concern among the remaining aged Jewish population. As the older Jews die, the Jewish community dwindles. Many of the younger Jews are not familiar with their Jewish identity. They are either non-observant or have assimilated into the Estonian culture. Jewish elders are trying to reinforce Jewish identity in their community.

What Are Their Beliefs?

For religious Jews, God is the Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, and the ultimate judge of human affairs. Beyond this, the religious beliefs of the Jewish communities vary greatly. Orthodox Jews follow the traditional religious beliefs and practices found in the Jewish literature that interprets Scripture regarding ethical, religious, civil, and criminal matters.

Reform Jews do not believe that the Jewish Law is divinely revealed. They are not restricted to kosher foods. They neither wear the skullcap (yarmulke) when praying nor use Hebrew in prayer. All religious Jews believe in the coming of a Messianic Age, but only the Orthodox Jews look for a personal Messiah.

Many Jewish people today keep cultural Judaism, but they have rejected the spiritual elements taught in the Old Testament. They might take part in cultural events and even religious ceremonies, but they are secular or New Age in their spiritual lives.

What Are Their Needs?

Jewish people have a wonderful understanding of their connection with the Abrahamic Covenant. However, they also have a history of rejecting Jesus Christ as Messiah, the one who has fulfilled that covenant. They tend to view Christianity as the religion of their oppressors rather than the fulfillment of what God promised all of humanity through Abraham centuries ago. They yearn to feel secure and safe.

Prayer Points

Pray for the Holy Spirit to give the Eastern Yiddish-speaking Jews in Estonia teachable and understanding hearts.
Pray that a strong movement of the Holy Spirit will bring entire Yiddish-speaking families into a rich experience of God's blessing.
Pray for Jewish families to be drawn by the Holy Spirit to seek forgiveness, and to understand the adequacy of Christ's work on the cross.
Pray for teams of believers to spend time in sustained, focused prayer for the Lord to open the hearts of Yiddish-speaking family leaders to experience God's blessing through a movement of family-based discovery Bible studies.

Text Source:   Joshua Project