Igom in Papua New Guinea

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People Name: Igom
Country: Papua New Guinea
10/40 Window: No
Population: 3,600
World Population: 3,600
Primary Language: Kanggape
Primary Religion: Christianity
Christian Adherents: 85.00 %
Evangelicals: 14.00 %
Scripture: Translation Started
Ministry Resources: No
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: No
People Cluster: New Guinea
Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Kanggape language is in vigorous use by all generations of the Igom people, but they have no scripture in their language. Their language is related to that of three of their neighbors, the Andarum to the southwest, and the Tanggu and Tanguat to the east. Thank God that the translation of the Bible into the Tanggu and Tanguat languages is underway. The translation work has stalled in Tanggu, but we are grateful to God that PNGBTA are investigating the possibility of reviving the translation program for the Tanggu language. Pray that the translation projects will continue so that God's word will be made available to these language groups and that work would be expanded to include the Kanggape (and the Andarum speakers on their southwest border).

What Are Their Lives Like?

Income opportunities are low in the Igom area, although there is scope for a more productive cocoa industry away from the flood prone Ramu Valley.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Almost all the Igom people adhere to some form of Christianity.

What Are Their Needs?

Their spiritual lives are stunted by not having adequate biblical materials in their heart language.

Prayer Points

Pray for translation work for the Igom and their neighbors will be completed.
Pray for accurate translations.
Pray that the people will take God's word to heart and faithfully follow Jesus, making disciples wherever they have the opportunity.
Pray that God guides the people into effective sources of livelihood.

Text Source:   Joshua Project