German in Paraguay

Photo Source:  Bernd Focken - Pixabay 
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People Name: German
Country: Paraguay
10/40 Window: No
Population: 60,000
World Population: 67,019,900
Primary Language: German, Standard
Primary Religion: Christianity
Christian Adherents: 64.00 %
Evangelicals: 2.10 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Germanic
Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

Germany is both a nation and a collection of city-states. Seated in the center of Europe, Germany was not united until 1871. English speaking countries usually confine German history to World War I and World War II with special emphasis on the Nazi Regime.

German culture and thought have had a profound impact on Central Europe, especially in academia. Even today, sources say that the German passport is the number one sought after passport in the world and there are about 100 million German speakers on the continent, making it the largest language group on the continent.

Germans have migrated to other parts of the world including Paraguay. There was a German settlement in Paraguay in 1888 that failed. Paraguay was the destination for many Nazi war criminals after Germany’s loss in WWII. Through the decades there have been ethnic Germans from Russia entering Paraguay. These Germans have a Mennonite background.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Most of the Germans in Paraguay are culturally assimilated and they speak Spanish. Those with a Mennonite background are likely to retain some of their old ways. They sometimes move between Paraguay and Argentina and back.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Germans fought many wars in the name of religion. Just sharing the gospel or sharing beliefs is viewed upon negatively, as is an overzealous or charismatic expression of Christianity. Most people still attending church are elderly old. Most young Germans believe Christianity is outdated. Instead, they satisfy their spiritual needs with a patchwork of New Age spiritual pursuits.

Reaching a German speaker's heart, or the heart of most western Europeans, is best done through action rather than by debate. They carefully watch the life of a believer and see how they respond to adversity, hardship, self-discipline and self-sacrifice. A truly faithful believer who lives out the Jesus way will really earn respect and favor even if the observer doesn't convert.

What Are Their Needs?

Germans in Paraguay need a spiritual hunger that will drive them to the Lord of lords. As it stands, most believe they must live their lives the best they can without God’s input.

Prayer Points

Pray for Germans to return to the amazing theology their ancestors discussed in centuries past.
Pray against spiritual idolatry and pride and a softening of hearts.
Pray against the lie that science is at odds with faith.

Text Source:   Joshua Project