Friulian in Italy

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People Name: Friulian
Country: Italy
10/40 Window: No
Population: 275,000
World Population: 275,000
Primary Language: Friulian
Primary Religion: Christianity
Christian Adherents: 83.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.10 %
Scripture: New Testament
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: No
People Cluster: Italian
Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

Friulian was colonized by the Romans in the second century. The Romans called it the Julian region. With the fall of this long-lasting empire in the 400s, this region was ruled by Gothic tribes, specifically Odoacer and then Theodoric the Great. The coastal regions were soon dominated by the emerging Byzantine Empire. Today it is a region located in northeastern Italy.
The northern part of Friulia consists of rocky foothills and the south is either arid or marshlands.
About two-thirds of the people in this region speak standard Italian as well as Friulian, which is a Romance language like Italian. There are several variations of their language: central Friulan, eastern Friulan, western Friulan, Carnian, Gortan, Asino. Since it borders other nations with different languages, there are other languages in this region such as German, Venetian and Slovene. There have been occasional separatist movements in Friulia.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Agriculture dominates the economy in the Friulia region of Italy. They grow wine grapes in some parts, grains and vegetables in others.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Rural peoples tend to be more likely to adhere to the local religion rather than gravitating to secular humanism. Most Friulian people are nominally Roman Catholics. They get married and buried by the Roman Catholic church. Their children are baptized by Roman Catholic priests into the church.
Evangelical Christians believe that the Bible is the only source of authority for Christ's church. Roman Catholics see tradition and the official teachings of the popes and bishops as also being very important. Still evangelicals and Catholics have many beliefs in common such as the Trinity and the virgin birth, the deity, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What Are Their Needs?

Friulians need to understand that they can have a personal love relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Christianity is not a set of rules or system of morality. Christians can know for certain that their sins are forgiven, and they have eternal life.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to revive the Roman Catholic church in Italy so that it focuses on Jesus Christ.
Pray for Friulian churches to be Christ centered rather than tradition centered.
Pray that the Lord sends disciple-makers to the Friulian people in Italy.
Pray for spiritual hunger and a discernment that will keep the Friulian people away from spiritual counterfeits.

Text Source:   Joshua Project