Dhimal in Nepal

Map Source:  People Group data: Omid. Map geography: UNESCO / GMI. Map Design: Joshua Project.
People Name: Dhimal
Country: Nepal
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 32,000
World Population: 38,100
Primary Language: Dhimal
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Christian Adherents: 1.30 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: New Testament
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: South Asia Hindu - other
Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Dhimal live both in Nepal and West Bengal, India. In Nepal, they live in 24 villages of Mechi zone in Jhapa District and 51 villages in Koshi zone, Morang District.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Dhimal women are good at weaving and have unique dress among the ethnic peoples of Nepal. Education is almost completely absent among them. A landless people, the traditional occupation of the Dhimal was hunting and gathering. Nowadays, agriculture is their main occupation.

What Are Their Beliefs?

They worship nature and household gods, and worship Chaitanya Nityananda as their family deity. They also worship other deities like Buda Thakur, Sadi Buri, and Kali.

What Are Their Needs?

The Lord is growing his Church in Nepal. Perhaps one or more Nepali Christians will be led by God's Spirit to take the life-giving message of Christ to the Dhimal community.

Prayer Points

There are a few hundred Dhimal believers in Nepal. Please pray these people will be accurately taught the ways of Christ.
Pray the entire Dhimal community will be given a growing desire to find forgiveness for their sin; then may they learn of Christ's sacrifice for that purpose.
Pray the gospel message comes to them in ways they understand.

Text Source:   Joshua Project