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People Name: | Amhara, Ethiopian |
Country: | New Zealand |
10/40 Window: | No |
Population: | 1,400 |
World Population: | 27,246,800 |
Primary Language: | Amharic |
Primary Religion: | Christianity |
Christian Adherents: | 86.00 % |
Evangelicals: | 1.10 % |
Scripture: | Complete Bible |
Ministry Resources: | Yes |
Jesus Film: | Yes |
Audio Recordings: | Yes |
People Cluster: | Ethio-Semitic |
Affinity Bloc: | Horn of Africa Peoples |
Progress Level: |
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The Amhara people are related to the Tigray and Tigre people of Ethiopia and Eritrea who together make up the Habeshans. These people can trace their origins back to Shem, eldest son of Noah. They left present day Yemen and settled on the African side of the Red Sea inhabiting the Nile Delta and all land east of the valley down to the Ethiopian Highlands. These people are known in antiquity as the Ancient Egyptians who retreated back to Ethiopia and Eritrea after countless takeovers of Egypt. here they established other great kingdoms such as Sheba/Saba and Axum. After the Middle Ages they soon split into 3 tribes: Amhara, Tigre and Tigray with their own languages that all derived from Ge'ez, their ancient language. Today most Amhara live in central and east/Northeastern Ethiopia. Some have migrated to other countries such as New Zealand where they congregate in Wellington and Auckland.
Ethiopia has had its highs and lows in the 2020s. Amhara Ethiopians keep a close eye on what is going on in their home country. They ask the New Zealand government to publicly condemn atrocities against the Amhara people in the Horn of Africa. Some want to do something about Ethiopian’s constant problems while others do not want to think about it. Those who are born in New Zealand would prefer to move forward without looking back to a place they don’t consider home.
Some own and operate successful businesses and restaurants. Amhara Ethiopians are often involved in sports.
From early encounters with the Hebrew people, many adopted the early form of proto-Judaism. Though the high and ruling class continued to practice the Egyptian pagan religion until Queen Makda of Sheba was converted by King Solomon to Judaism. Christianity came to the Amhara through Coptic missionaries. The Amhara were among the first African converts to Islam after sheltering Mohammed's followers from their enemies in Mecca. Because of the Islamic expansion, Aksum was cut from other Christian kingdoms which created their own unique form of Coptic Christianity. They incorporated Jewish rituals and laws and added a focus on monasticism. Today the majority of Amhara people are Ethiopian Orthodox, and the minority are Sunni Muslim.
Pray for the Amhara people to have a Christ-centered faith that cannot be shaken.
Pray for them to study and obey the Scriptures.
Pray for Amhara disciples to make more disciples.