Unreached of Day: 2024-4-23

Hakka Chinese in Taiwan

Hakka Chinese in Taiwan

In Taiwan, the younger generations of Hakka have largely assimilated into society with the rest of the island because of educational needs. Most Hakka communities don't have high school or colleges, so young Hakka must attend school in bigger cities where they usually end up settling. Older generations of Hakka still live predominately in rural communities outside of bigger cities. While most understand Mandarin, the national language in Taiwan, their heart language is really Hakka, so that's been a barrier in communicating the gospel to them. The Hakka have their own cuisine, architecture and dress.

Ministry Obstacles

Ethnic religions are closely tied in with ethnic identity. It’s difficult for anyone to “abandon” the ways of their ancestors, especially in a Chinese context.

Outreach Ideas

There is already a sizable number of Hakka Christians who can reach out to the others in their communities and families.

Scripture Focus

"O LORD of hosts, blessed is the one who trusts in you!"  Psalm 84:12

Scripture Prayer

Pray for many from this people group to find joy and hope in trusting the Lord Almighty.

Prayer Focus

Pray for hearts and minds that are open to adhering to the ways of Jesus Christ. Pray for more Holy Spirit anointed believers to go to the Hakka in Taiwan. Pray for leaders in the Taiwanese Hakka community to open the doors to hearing the gospel. Pray this will be the decade where there is a powerful movement to Christ among the Hakka in Taiwan.

Hakka Chinese in Taiwan

People Name: Hakka Chinese
Country: Taiwan
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 4,323,000
World Population: 44,249,100
Language: Chinese, Hakka
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Christian Adherent: 2.1%
Evangelical: 0.42%
Bible: Complete
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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