Lobi in Burkina Faso

The name Lobi comes from two words, lou ("forest") and bi ("children"), meaning children of the forest. They are known as warriors and have been victims of slave raids and clan warfare. They are traditionally farmers and hunters. They are strongly animistic in their religious beliefs, worshiping ancestors. Thagba is the name of their creator god. They have no direct contact with Thagba, but are dependent on nature spirits known as thila, invisible intermediaries which can harness supernatural powers towards good or evil. There is often a village diviner, a "thildar", who acts as a village priest in interpreting the rules of the spirits.

Ministry Obstacles
Lobi people are under domination of spiritual powers that resist the advance of the gospel.

Outreach Ideas
There are significant numbers of Christ followers among the Lobi people in Burkina Faso. They have the potential to reach their own people.

Scripture Focus
"Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit."  Psalm 51:12

Scripture Prayer
Pray that when some from this people group accept the ways of God that they will be refreshed with joy and share it with others.

Prayer Focus
Pray that Lobi believers would be strong in their faith and willing to take Christ to others. Pray for mature pastors to serve the Christians among the Lobi, planting churches as well as making disciples trained to disciple others. Pray the Lord would set the Lobi tribe free from superstition and the worship of false gods, gods that cannot see or hear or help them in any way.

Presented by Joshua Project