Darzada in Pakistan

The meaning behind Darzada is, "someone who comes from a different place." The Darzadas used to be known as a rich Pakistani community, but with fairer competition, some are now servants while others are famous singers, poets and politicians. They still hold the reputation of being educated and cultured. They are among the Baloch tribes concentrated in Makran, a coastal region of Pakistan's Baloch Province.

Ministry Obstacles
There are no known Christ followers in this community, and they belong to a strictly enforced and culturally influential form of Sunni Islam that is based on works rather than the wonderful grace of Jesus. Anyone who deviates from this will be persecuted.

Outreach Ideas
Educated followers of Christ can live among the Darzada, earn their respect, and teach them the truth about Christ.

Scripture Focus
"You shall have no other gods before me."  Exodus 20:3

Scripture Prayer
Pray for this people group to understand and obey this essential and central command.

Prayer Focus
Pray for future Darzada believers to be so committed to the Savior that they will shine as a holy light among the peoples of Pakistan. Pray for a move of the Holy Spirit to sweep through Pakistan's Baloch tribal region. Pray for educated Darzadas to be leaders and teachers in the Baloch Provincial church plants and in Gulf countries where they live.

Presented by Joshua Project