Jofra Berber in Libya

In regard to labor, Jofra Berber men do most of the farming, while the women are responsible for milking and gathering. The Berbers are often noted for their skills in various crafts. Domestic tasks such as weaving and pottery are the main work of the women. The men specialize in woodworking, metalworking and, more surprisingly, fine needlework. The Jofra are now free to display their traditional beautiful needlework at cultural festivals. They also can speak their own dialect of Berber without interference from the Libyan government.

Ministry Obstacles
Gospel witness is almost non-existent in Libya as local militias fight for control of the country. Even before that time, the number of Christian believers among any ethnic group in Libya was almost none.

Outreach Ideas
People are often more spiritual hungry and desperate for answers when they are in a dangerous situation. It’s also clear to the Jofra Berbers that we are all selfish and sinful, which is the first step towards understanding our need for a sin-free Savior.

Scripture Focus
"Nebuchadnezzar answered and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent his angel and delivered his servants, who trusted in him, and set aside the king’s command, and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any god except their own God."  Daniel 3:28

Scripture Prayer
Pray that leaders of this people group will be as amazed at the works of God as this Babylonian king. Pray that they will worship God alone.

Prayer Focus
Pray for the Lord to give dreams and visions to Jofra Berber family leaders. Pray the current crisis will cause the Jofra to understand their need for Jesus Christ. Pray for a soon coming movement of Jofra Berbers making disciples who make even more disciples.

Presented by Joshua Project