Hausa in Congo, Republic of the

Today members of the Hausa community are highly trained, educated and assimilated into the political and social life of many African countries including the Republic of the Congo. Some of the Hausas have become very rich. They are deeply involved in the politics of their communities.

Ministry Obstacles
Islam and high status as a community are huge obstacles for those who might otherwise come humbly to the Lord of lords.

Outreach Ideas
Christian businessmen from other parts of Africa can befriend Hausas from the Republic of the Congo and share the ways of Jesus (whom Muslims call Isa al-Masih) with these people.

Scripture Focus
"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you."  Psalm 89:14

Scripture Prayer
Pray that today’s people group will seek and find His righteousness and justice. Pray that they will be thankful for His unfailing love.

Prayer Focus
There has been intense persecution of Christian Hausas. Pray that they would stay firmly grounded in their faith and stand as a light in the darkness. The Hausa people in Congo have physical needs such as safe drinking water. Pray that the Hausa peoples would have a movement to Christ that would spread throughout Africa, blessing them in every way.

Presented by Joshua Project