Jat Dhillon (Sikh traditions) in India
jot DIH-lun

The Dhillon Jats of India's Punjab State are often called the Raja Jats due to the large number of kings, royalty and warriors in their history. Some believe the Dhillon Jats founded India's capital city, Delhi. There is a strong Christian presence in India's Punjab state where most members of the Dhillon Jats live.

Ministry Obstacles
Unfortunately, people with high status such as the Dhillon Jats are often the least open to the gospel message and least open to change. Christianity got its foothold in India by appealing to the backward castes who eagerly welcomed the gospel message. It gave them hope, but it also made the Dhillon Jats see the church as being for "lower status" peoples.

Outreach Ideas
Present Jesus Christ as the Bible presents Him—as the King of kings and the Lord of lords. There could be no higher calling than to become a co-heir with Jesus Christ and to live in Heaven with Him forever.

Scripture Focus
"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."  Numbers 6:24-26

Scripture Prayer
Pray this blessing on today’s people group.

Prayer Focus
Pray for Dhillon Jats to put their hope and identity in Christ rather than in their social standing. Pray for the Holy Spirit to send dreams and visions of Jesus, the King of kings, to the Dhillon Jats, calling them to be among His followers. Pray for a movement to Christ among the Dhillon Jats.

Presented by Joshua Project