Maldivian in Maldives

Most of the Maldivians are fishermen, merchants and boat builders who take advantage of their position in the center of Indian Ocean trade routes. Despite their trade travels, the Maldivians have been influenced little by the outside world. Each inhabited island has its own chief, and no one may leave or come onto the island without the chief's knowledge. Islamic law is the law of the land, marriage with a non-Muslim is illegal, and all the children bear Arabic names. Ironically, however, the Islamic religion is only a ritualistic tradition that most people nominally follow. Many Maldivians embrace folk beliefs and often live in fear of evil spirits.

Ministry Obstacles
Access to the Maldives is quite restricted, and any kind of Christian witness is prohibited. Maldivians have never been open to the gospel of grace; they cling to various forms of Islam.

Outreach Ideas
Pray for the gospel of Christ to become easily available via radio, television and the internet. Pray that the Lord would raise up witnesses to go to the Maldives and show them the way to the cross.

Scripture Focus
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"  Micah 6:8

Scripture Prayer
Pray that this people group learns to walk humbly with the Lord.

Prayer Focus
Pray that the people of the Maldives would soon be delivered from fear. Pray for an unstoppable movement to Christ among the Maldivian people that will spread from family to family.

Presented by Joshua Project