Karaite in Lithuania

The Karaite form of Judaism is so strange that Russian Tsars categorized them as non-Jews, just as the Nazis did! Thus, they escaped Russia's pogroms and the Nazi holocaust. However, Karaites in Lithuania know they are true Jews. They follow only the Tanach (the Old Testament), rejecting rabbinic interpretations, which in itself is very rare for anyone with a Jewish background. They allow each believer to make his or her own interpretation, and they often interpret the Scriptures in metaphorical terms. Their intention is to hide the Word of God in their thoughts and let it guide their actions. Karaites tend to adopt the customs of their host countries, such as Lithuania.

Ministry Obstacles
They interpret God's word through human reasoning. This can easily close their minds to what God tells them in the Scriptures.

Outreach Ideas
Missionaries can hold open conversations and debates regarding the different interpretations of the Old Testament. First, they must become loving friends to these free-thinking people.

Scripture Focus
"I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their distress earnestly seek me."  Hosea 5:15

Scripture Prayer
Pray that the troubles of this people group cause them to seek the Lord and find Him.

Prayer Focus
Pray that the Karaites would see Jesus Christ as the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life. Pray that they would see the fulfillment of Christ in the Old Testament.

Presented by Joshua Project