Khalka Mongol in Mongolia
HAHL-ka MAHNG-goal

In the thirteenth century, Genghis Khan formed the largest empire in world history by uniting all the nomadic Mongol tribes. The Khalkha Mongols consider themselves the direct descendants of Genghis Khan, and they believe they are the true keepers of Mongol culture. They consider their language, Halh, to be the "real" Mongolian language. Many are nomads, living in herding camps and migrating seasonally with their animals. The Khalkha Mongols were traditionally shamanists but were introduced to Buddhism in the 16th century.

Ministry Obstacles
It is difficult to establish long-term relationships with nomadic peoples. Gaining their trust and finding the opportunity to present the good news of Jesus is a challenge.

Scripture Focus
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  Matthew 5:3

Scripture Prayer
Pray that this people group to recognize their own spiritual bankruptcy and come to Christ for the riches of His forgiveness.

Prayer Focus
Pray for Christian Mongolians to start a church planting movement among the Khalka Mongols. Pray for the Mongols to be open to hearing and receiving the gospel message. Ask God to send missions workers to preach and demonstrate his power among the Khalka Mongols.

Presented by Joshua Project