Lezgin in Georgia

Lezgin was originally a Turkish term meaning "highland resident." By the 7th century, Islamic power had swept into the region of the Lezgin people, and over the past 1,000 years has exerted huge influence into their society. Traditionally the Lezgin were a pastoral people who raised livestock in the high grasslands.

Ministry Obstacles
The Lezgin culture is highly defensive against outsiders. It is very difficult for those outside their communities to be accepted or trusted.

Outreach Ideas
Resources like Bible portions and the JESUS Film can be made available to the Lezgin people of Georgia.

Scripture Focus
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."  Psalm 139:13-14

Scripture Prayer
Pray that this people group will understand and embrace that they are created by God, and that His ways are marvelous!

Prayer Focus
A few Lezgins outside of Georgia have found salvation in Jesus Christ, but there aren't enough of them to form even one fellowship of their own. Pray for a Holy Spirit directed Lezgin fellowship that will show the way to the cross. Pray for the Lezgin believers to shine as bright lights among their clans. Pray for men and women of peace (Luke 10:6) in each one of the over 142 Lezgin towns and villages, to be keys to welcoming the love of God, the grace of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit into each Lezgin community in the years ahead. Give thanks for the Bible translation work which is underway. Pray for widespread reading.

Presented by Joshua Project